@ Iowa Law

Iowa Law - Week of February 1, 2021

Community News

  • Monday begins Week 2/Even Week
  • Admissions Outreach Volunteers - The Admissions Office is looking for student volunteers to email admitted students in the spring semester. Admitted students greatly value the information they learn from current students about Iowa Law, and this is a great opportunity to spread the word about what makes Iowa Law special. Students who would like to help with this project should fill out the following Survey - For further information please contact Amy Best or Jan Barnes in Admissions.
  • Wednesday, February 3rd at 7:00 PM and Thursday, February 4th at 12:30 PM - Christian Legal Society Spring Study - The Christian Legal Society will be our study through the book of Mark. We will spend an hour reading a chapter of Mark and discussing how we can apply it to our lives. If you would like more details, please email seth-balke@uiowa.edu.
  • Wednesday, February 10th 5:30 - 7:00 pm - Legal Theory Reading Group - Reparations - Reparation -- "the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury." Historically, reparations have been associated with diplomatic apologies and financial awards between nations. In the United States, many have called for something different: reparations for racial wrongs committed internally in the distant past, most notably slavery. To what extent can we separate the responsibility owed by a government from the responsibility owed by present citizens? Can people even bear a responsibility for acts committed well before they were born? Join us at the next LTRG meeting for a conversation with special guest Professor Raff Donelson (Penn State), and let's explore this topic!
    • Where: Zoom School of Law and Philosophy
    • Papers: Donelson, “Reparations, Responsibility, and Formalism – A Reply to Carnes“ - Click here to read. Carnes, “Historical Injustice, Collective Agency, and Compensatory Duties” - Click here to read
    • Sign up: Here
  • Wednesday, February 10th 12:45 PM  - Zoom Link https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/99590351826

  • Friday, February 12th 11:25-12:40 PM - Sports Law Society: Guest Speaker Dan Lust- The Sports Law Society at Iowa is hosting Dan Lust, Attorney at Geragos and Geragos in New York . Dan specializes in sports law and we will be discussing the most recent developments in the sports world and how the law coincides. Dan Lust Bio: https://www.geragos.com/attorney-profiles/dan-lust  Zoom Link: https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/92894316321?pwd=bXIvVzdEVGVVelpjVHM1YVBpU3JJZz09#succes Meeting ID: 928 9431 6321 Contact Seth-Balke@uiowa.edu; 5159546079 with any questions
  • Class of 2021 Photographs - Spring Photo Sessions
    Thursday, February 11 through Saturday February 13th - 10:00AM to 4:30 PM Each Day  - For students that have not had a picture taken for graduation day and the class composite, the spring photo sessions will be held Thursday, February 11th through Saturday, February 13th from 10:00 AM-4:30 PM.  You do need to sign up for a time slot and are encouraged to designate your time now as there will NOT be make up dates later in the semester.  If you would prefer to use a different photo, please send to Rene Arps at Rene-Arps@uiowa.edu
    • Sign Up: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CFLO4VpVcrw0cVkRixXtZRl_QzGYyAAxGOLmwRfsG3A/edit?usp=sharing
    • Photo Location: Photos will be taken by Michael Kreiser Photography, 111 Wright Street, Iowa City, IA 52240, 319/400-2868.  It’s an 18 minute walk or a five minute drive from the law school.  Parking is available directly in front of the studio.  Everyone is expected to bring their own mask, keep a social distance, and be on time for your appointment.  If you are unable to keep your appointment, please immediately notify Rene Arps at Rene-Arps@uiowa.edu and call the photographer at 319/400-2868.
    • Apparel:  Business attire.
    • Cost: $20 and will be charged to your University Bill.  This fee includes your picture file and a copy of the class composite.
    • Any Questions Please contact Rene Arps  - Rene-Arps@uiowa.edu
  • UICHR's spring webinar series: Renewing a Human Rights Agenda - The series explores the opportunities and challenges the nation and the new administration face regarding issues with human rights implications both in the United States and abroad. The renewing human rights agenda for this semester will be held on Wednesdays at noon through this zoom link: https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/94839769875
    • Wednesday, February 24 - U.S. Foreign policy
    • Wednesday, March 10 - Defending Democracy in the U.S.
    • Wednesday, March 24 - The Criminal Legal System
    • Wednesday, April 7 - The Climate Crisis
    • Wednesday, April 28 - Native American Rights
  • UICHR's Additional Spring Programming - Visit the UICHR website to learn about additional spring programs.
    • Wednesday, February 10th 12:45-1:45 PM - "W.E.B. Du Bois: The Problem of the 21st Century is the Color Line" by Dean Adrien Wing
    • Wednesday, March 3rd 12:40-1:40 PM - "International Law on Indigenous Peoples" by Jim Anaya
    • Wednesday, February 17th 1:00-2:00 PM - Intellectual Property Law Society (IPLS) and Hispanic Latinx Law Students Association (HLLSA) – "Judge Reyna of the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit" - Please join IPLS and HLLSA for a presentation by Judge Reyna of the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Judge Reyna will be speaking about his career path and experience as a judge on the Federal Circuit. This event is co-sponsored between IPLS and HLLSA. The meeting can be accessed with the following Zoom link: https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/96822418009#success 
  • Friday, February 19th 4:00-5:30 PMIowa City Darwin Day - Race, Genetics, and Health - Dr. Charmaine Royal will speak at the Iowa City Darwin Day 2021 virtual event on Race, Genetics, and Health. The talk will be followed with a panel discussion, including Professor Phoebe Jean-Pierre from the College of Law. All students, faculty, staff, and members of the public are welcome to join. The event will be live streamed at www.iowacitydarwinday.org. If there are any questions please reach out to Anya Prince at anya-prince@uiowa.edu.
  • Spring Academic Success- The law school subscribes to CALI (Computer Assisted Legal Instruction), which contains many fantastic modules on substantive areas of law and on law school success. If you are looking to improve your study and exam-taking skills from last semester, check out "How to Learn from Exams," found at https://www.cali.org/lesson/18208. Access to CALI is limited to Iowa law students, and our authorization code is on the ICON Writing & Academic Success Center site. Contact Dawn Anderson, dawn-r-anderson@uiowa.edu, 3193842811 with any questions. 
  • July 2021 Bar Exam - The Iowa Office of Professional Regulation will continue to use a paper bar application for the July 2021 exam.  Information about that, and the current application can be found here: https://www.iowacourts.gov/opr/attorneys/admissions/admission-by-examination/bar-examination-registration/.
  • Weston and Cmiel Funding for In/Externships- Funding to support summer in/externships is available through the UI Center for Human Rights. Funding is awarded competitively and may be used to support housing, transportation, incidentals, etc. The Burns H. Weston funding program provides $2,500 to a UI law student (single recipient). The Kenneth J. Cmiel funding program awards $10,000 to UI undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs (multiple recipients). Students must be engaged in rights-related work. Eligibility and application information may be found at www.uichr.org. Applications accepted through March 26 (5:00 pm). Contact jo-butterfield@uiowa.edu with any questions. 
    Monday: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ODD & EVEN WEEKS
    Thursday: 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ODD & EVEN WEEKS
    Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ODD WEEKS ONLY
    The EJF Bookstore is also open by appointment. Contact David Banta (801-403-5673; david-banta@uiowa.edu) with any questions.
  • Apply for CLP Spring Pro Bono Projects- The Citizen Lawyer Program is now accepting application for its Spring 2021 Pro Bono Projects. View project descriptions and application information on the CLP website at: https://clp.law.uiowa.edu/article/apply-now-spring-2021-pro-bono-projects. Completed applications should be submitted via Symplicity by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, February 3. Contact brian-r-farrell@uiowa.edu with any questions.
  • SALSA is Looking for Members!- We are currently trying to revive the South Asian Law Students Association (SALSA) here at Iowa Law! If you are interested in being a member, please reach out. We have executive board positions available and would love for you to join us! Contact Maya Sanaba (maya-sanaba@uiowa.edu), Ameena Chaudhry (ameena-chaudhry@uiowa.edu), or Kabi Palaniappan (kabilan-palaniappan@uiowa.edu) for any questions. 
  • Information Regarding Student Health Insurance Coverage During Summer 2021
    • Students who will be returning for Fall 2021
      • If you are currently enrolled in a student insurance plan, student insurance will continue over the summer if you pre-register for the fall semester in the spring.
      • If you are not enrolled in student health insurance during the spring semester, and if you pre-register for the fall semester in the spring,  you may enroll for summer coverage through MyUI during the open enrollment periods below or if you have a qualifying event.
        • Fall Semester: August 1 to September 9
        • Spring Semester: January 1 to February 9
        • Summer Semester: May 1 to June 9
    • Students Graduating May 2021
      • Student insurance terminates at the end of the last month in which the student graduates (or is no longer enrolled). However, short term health and dental insurance is available for purchase immediately after leaving the university for those who were University of Iowa students. This coverage can be continued for up to 12 months. You must enroll in the plan(s) you wish to continue (within 45 days of graduating or leaving) via the online form in MyUI. Visit the enrollment page for more detailed instructions. If you wish to utilize this option, you must complete the application within 45 days of graduation or leaving the university.
    • If you have any questions please contact: benefits-students@uiowa.edu or 319-335-2676.


  • SBA E-mail - If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to ISBA at law-isba@uiowa.edu.
  • Recognition - To recognize the successes and great work of students, staff and faculty a new recognition category has been added to the Monday/Friday Iowa Law emails. Please submit any accomplishments to @ Iowa Law Communications that is referenced at the bottom of the email. 
  • ITT Award Announcement - Do you have an idea for a teaching project that leverages technology to positively impact student success and retention? We encourage you to apply for the Innovations in Teaching with Technology Awards (ITTA). Each year, the Iowa Academic Technologies Advisory Council (ATAC) sponsors the ITTA program to support enhanced teaching and learning at the UI. ATAC will accept proposals from Monday, Jan. 4, through Monday, Feb. 15. All new ideas are welcome, but the focus must be on instruction with a significant technology component. Priority will be given to projects that, if proven successful, can be replicated throughout the university. Cross-disciplinary projects are encouraged, but not required. A total of $100,000 is available for awards. The number of awards will be determined by the quality of the applications. Applications can be made to support the costs of hardware, software, and personnel. Funding is not available to support faculty salaries. To learn more, see the proposal guidelines. Applicants are also strongly encouraged to email the Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology at teaching@uiowa.edu for a consultation and assistance in determining whether their proposal idea is suitable for ITTA funding.
  • Iowa Federation of Women’s Club (GFWC) Scholarship $1,000 Deadline February 1, 2021 - The GFWC is the sponsor of the $1,000 Phyllis Hughes Memorial Scholarship for a woman studying law in her first, second or third year of the program. The applicant must be a woman who was raised in Iowa. Scholarship awards are based on volunteerism, achievement and financial need. Contact law-financialaiad@uiowa.edu for a scholarship application.
  • France 2021 Summer Abroad - The France 2021 summer abroad has been cancelled due to coronavirus. We hope that the London 2021-22 winter term and the France 2022 program will be able to return to live status.  If you have any questions, please contact Dean Adrien Wing at Adrien-wing@uiowa.edu. If you are interested in a virtual externship experience this summer, be sure to contact Professor June Tai at june-tai@uiowa.edu.  We will decide later this spring concerning the viability of doing fall study abroad exchanges or externships.
  • Howard Fox Memorial Law Scholarship Fund - In 1978 the Howard Fox Memorial Law Scholarship Fund was established by Helen and Richard Fox and Friends to honor the memory of their son who, as a proud member of the Berks County Bar Association, served as a young attorney in the Public Defender’s Office. The scholarship supports graduates of Berks County, Pennsylvania, high schools who will be entering an accredited law school or who are currently attending an accredited law school to pursue a law degree. Please refer eligible students to our web site, www.bccf.org, to apply online for the Howard Fox Memorial Law Scholarship. Applications must be submitted between January 1st and March 15th. If you have any questions, please reach out to law-financialaid@uiowa.edu.
  • National Health Law Writing Competition - Students interested in Health Law may want to consider submitting an article to the Sixth Annual AUWCL National Health Law Writing Competition. Information available here: Link 
  • Scholarship Opportunity and Self-Guided In School and After School Financial Planning    The new MAX spring collection is now available in MAX! The winter break is the perfect time to complete all four of these lessons, attend online events, and receive more entries in the upcoming MAX scholarship drawings. While you’re logged in, check out the latest from the MAX blog: Estate Planning in Your 20s and 30s – Future You Will Thank You. Contact law-financialaid@uiowa.edu with any questions.
  • National Tax Law Scholarship Brown, PC is now accepting applications for the firm’s National Tax Law Scholarship, a $500 stipend which will be awarded to a second or third year full-time U.S. law student with a demonstrated interest in tax law. The award will be paid directly to the student, and can be used for any expenses related to legal education, including but not limited to tuition, room, board, books, bar review courses, or commuting expenses. Contact law-financialaid@uiowa.edu with any questions.
  • Supreme Court Iowa Bar Examination Update: The Iowa Supreme Court has continued to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and evaluate its options for the February 2021 Iowa Bar Examination. That exam is scheduled to be administered on February 23 and 24, 2021. The National Conference of Bar Examiners recently announced that it will make Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) materials available to be delivered either in person or remotely for the February administration of the exam. Current reports show a recent rise in the number of COVID-19 cases nationwide, including in Iowa. Given the uncertainty of what the new case and hospitalization numbers will be in February related to the pandemic, the court has decided to order the February 2021 Iowa Bar Examination to be delivered remotely while still producing a transferable UBE score for applications. 
  • Katherine Finn Milleman Memorial Scholarship - The scholarship recipient will receive $5,000.00 towards the recipient’s Fall 2021 tuition expenses. Scholarship funds will be sent directly to the recipient’s school. The scholarship is non-renewable, but a recipient may reapply for the scholarship for a subsequent year. To be considered for the scholarship, students must submit a formal letter detailing their connection with Story County, Iowa, and their career goals. A current resume should be included with the letter. Application materials must be received by February 1, 2021. Application materials should be sent to the following address: Jane Chang; City of Ames; 515 Clark Avenue; PO Box 811; Ames, Iowa 50010. The scholarship was created in memory of Katherine Finn Milleman, a young lawyer who was the daughter of Marilyn Finn and the late Honorable Timothy J. Finn. The scholarship is administered by the Story County Bar Association and will be awarded to a student who is currently in their first or second year of law school at any ABA accredited law school based on criteria that include, but are not limited to, the following: 
      • Contact with Story County, Iowa
      • Rank in the top one-half (1/2) of the law school class (1L students who are interested in applying may send applications without class rank. If a 1L is a finalist, we may request their first semester grades for consideration.).
      • Extracurricular activities such as participation in moot court, law review, clinics, and other related activities
      • Other relevant experience such as employment and service in the armed forces.
  • The Buckfire Law Scholarship was created in 2013 as part of the law firm’s commitment to helping law students who are in need of financial assistance achieve their academic and professional dreams. In order to be considered for the scholarship, the student must be a member of an ethnic, racial, or other minority, or demonstrate a commitment to issues of diversity within their community. The scholarship will award $2,000 to one student selected by our scholarship selection committee. Additional scholarship information can be found https://buckfirelaw.com/scholarships/law/ Contact law-financialaid@uiowa.edu with any questions.

@ Iowa Law Communications

For Spring 2021, @ Iowa Law messages will be sent on Monday mornings starting January 18, 2021. Friday communications will only be sent as needed for weekend events or time sensitive notifications. 

To submit content for @ Iowa Law, please use this form (https://uiowa.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_a43sCRhrCeRrI6p).  Use of the form ensures it will reach the team of students that enter all submissions, with Pam Funke as final reviewer prior to publication. 

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