@Iowa Law - Week of February 22
- Congratulations Fall 2020 Pro Bono Society Members - Congratulations to the 55 Iowa Law students admitted to membership in the Pro Bono Society for the Fall 2020 semester! These students reported at least 10 service hours (at least half Community hours) and attended a Lawyers & Leaders event during the semester. The list of students is available here: https://clp.law.uiowa.edu/article/fall-2020-pro-bono-society-members
- Monday begins Week 5/ODD Week
- Admissions Outreach Volunteers - The Admissions Office is looking for student volunteers to email admitted students in the spring semester. Admitted students greatly value the information they learn from current students about Iowa Law, and this is a great opportunity to spread the word about what makes Iowa Law special. Students who would like to help with this project should fill out the following Survey - For further information please contact Amy Best or Jan Barnes in Admissions.
- Volunteers Sought for Admitted Student Activities - The Admissions Office is looking for student volunteers to help with small group activities for admitted students on Fridays and Saturdays throughout March. Admitted students greatly value the information they learn from current students, and your participation helps make these activities a success. Students who would like to volunteer should fill out the following survey. For further information, please email amy-best@uiowa.edu.
- July 2021 Bar Exam - The Iowa Office of Professional Regulation will continue to use a paper bar application for the July 2021 exam. Information about that, and the current application can be found here: https://www.iowacourts.gov/opr/attorneys/admissions/admission-by-examination/bar-examination-registration/.
- SALSA is Looking for Members!- We are currently trying to revive the South Asian Law Students Association (SALSA) here at Iowa Law! If you are interested in being a member, please reach out. We have executive board positions available and would love for you to join us! Contact Maya Sanaba (maya-sanaba@uiowa.edu), Ameena Chaudhry (ameena-chaudhry@uiowa.edu), or Kabi Palaniappan (kabilan-palaniappan@uiowa.edu) for any questions.
- Spring Academic Success - Lexis offers a product called Prepare TOA. You can find it at
https://www.lexisnexis.com/en-us/products/lexis-for-microsoft-office/prepare-table-of-authorities.page. Lexis also has a great YouTube video on how to do it.
- Call for Proposals - 2021 Iowa Human Rights Research Conference - The UI Center for Human Rights & Iowa Network of Human Rights Academics invite submissions addressing human rights issues for its annual student research conference which will be held virtually on April 16, 2021. February 22nd is the deadline to submit proposals for papers, poster, or creative projects. For details and the online proposal form, please visit:https://iowahumanrights.org/article/call-proposals-2021-iowa-human-rights-research-conference
- Boyd Service Award & Pro Bono Society Variances for Spring 2021 - SBA's Pro Bono Society Executive Board and College of Law administration have adopted the following temporary modifications to Iowa Law's service honors for Spring 2021: Here
- Boyd Service Award determinations for current students graduating in 2021, 2022, and 2023 will be based on 90% of the usual required career hours.
- The service hours requirement for Spring 2021 Pro Bono Society membership will be 2/3 the usual requirement (10 hours, of which 5 are community hours).
- Attendance at a Lawyers & Leaders event is required for Spring 2021 Pro Bono Society membership.
- Bar exam takers in Law Library in February: In response to those requesting more time to settle in before taking the Bar Exam in the Law Library on February 23rd and 24th, the Law Library will open at 7:10am on those days. Thanks to our flexible and helpful Circulation manager, Kevin Burford, for opening the Law Library early on those days. Best of luck, Bar takers!
- DEI Networking Program - The DEI Committee and Career Services Office have teamed up to help underrepresented students connect with attorneys in their fields of interest with the DEI Networking Program. The DEI Networking Program aims to bring together small groups of students with similar interests and set up small, virtual meetings with attorneys for the purpose of career advancement by giving students an opportunity to practice networking and potentially develop professional relationships with practicing attorneys in their fields of interest. Scheduling will depend on attorney availability, and the DEI Networking Program aims to have a Spring Session and a Summer Session. The deadline to sign up for the program is February 22nd; please submit the following survey to sign up. https://uiowa.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_djzRGf0YoZkYBHT
- Spring 2021 Lawyers & Leaders Events -The Citizen Lawyer Program has designated an initial three online events that students may attend to satisfy the Lawyers & Leaders requirement for this semester. Attendance at one L&L event is one requirement for Pro Bono Society membership for that semester. The list of designated events and the link students should use to verify attendance are available at: https://clp.law.uiowa.edu/article/spring-2021-lawyers-leaders-events
Additional events may be designated later in the semester.
- DC Program Planning- The Field Placement Program is excited to make plans for the next Semester in DC Program. Through the DC Program, students spend an immersive semester working full-time in a field placement in DC, and learning about the work of DC area attorneys. More information about the program is here: https://externships.law.uiowa.edu/field-placement-programs/dc-field-placement-program.
Despite the pandemic, students in the Fall 2020 DC Program were able to contribute virtually to the work of various government agencies. For the 2021-2022 academic year, we are considering whether to hold the program in the fall or spring semester. If you’re at all interested in the DC Program, please let us know if you have a preference by completing this short survey here: https://uiowa.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1TVSdGOaEaOZYto. Want to know more about the program? Whether we end up holding the program in the fall or the spring term, it’s time to start planning! We will hold an information session on Friday, Feb. 26, from 12:45 -1:30 PM by zoom: https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/93404328562?pwd=TE5JemU2RGZRQWpOVUdyazM2M1dlZz09#success. Hear from Prof. Kate Mueting, adjunct lecturer for the DC Program, as well as students that participated in the fall semester. Prof. Tai is also available to discuss logistics and planning for your specific interests and goals. Appointments may be made via Calendly: https://calendly.com/jttai. If you have questions please contact June Tai at june-tai@uiowa.edu; 319-335-9094.
- Westlaw February Contest - Get Familiar with Quick Check - Congratulations to our January contest winner, Emma Caparula!
The February contest is focused on Quick Check which is a tool that gives you access to relevant authority that traditional research might miss. It is a great tool to utilize while drafting your appellate brief. If you want to discuss this tool in detail feel free to stop by during office hours on Thursdays from 12-2. (Zoom Meeting ID: 953 8126 1308) We have raised the potential prize to a $50 Amazon gift card and all you have to do is take 5 minutes to follow these instructions and fill out this survey: 1. Log on to Westlaw Edge homepage 2. Click on the tools tab (last tab under the search bar) 3. Click on Quick Check https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=lUXEG7qaw0-47HuUpVhv3KXRiuqNlv1NlgHqe6FBU55UOE5WSllJN1M3QjBFRzNNTExITThBUEJKNi4u
- UICHR's spring webinar series: Renewing a Human Rights Agenda - The series explores the opportunities and challenges the nation and the new administration face regarding issues with human rights implications both in the United States and abroad. The renewing human rights agenda for this semester will be held on Wednesdays at noon through this zoom link: https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/94839769875
- Wednesday, February 24 - U.S. Foreign policy
- Wednesday, March 10 - Defending Democracy in the U.S.
- Wednesday, March 24 - The Criminal Legal System
- Wednesday, April 7 - The Climate Crisis
- Wednesday, April 28 - Native American Rights
- Monday, February 22nd 12:40-1:40 PM - Public Interest Fellowships-What Are They?
You’ve heard about them, but what ARE they? Join us for an overview of the myriad types of post-graduate public interest fellowships. This program will cover project- and organization-based fellowships for civil and criminal practices—think Skadden, EJW, and Soros—as well as government fellowships like the Presidential Management Fellowship. We will leave ample time for questions. PILI grant, EJW grant through Iowa Law. https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/97630768124?pwd=RHFYcFo0WEFhc09hbmZpQ21kcEJNUT09&from=addon#success
- Tuesday, February 23rd 12:40 - 1:40 PM - OWLSS Fictional Female Trivia - Join your fellow OWLSS members for a trivia lunch hour on February 23rd from 12:40 - 1:40 p.m via Zoom. We will be testing your knowledge on powerful, fictional females. Please RSVP using the link below before February 22nd at 9 p.m. You will be placed into teams based on the answers you give on the Google form. Looking forward to seeing you virtually! https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/93454737957#success
- Tuesday, February 23rd 12:45-2:00 PM - Intellectual Property Law Society (IPLS) – "Loyola Patent Job Fair Information Session" - Please join IPLS for a presentation by the IPLS board about the Loyola patent job fair. The IPLS board and other upper-division students will give a presentation for 1Ls, answer questions, and share their experiences about the job fair. All 1Ls interested in IP related legal work are strongly encouraged to attend. The meeting can be accessed with the following Zoom link: https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/95791680068?pwd=NTRGaGs2cjRWOUg1ZlF3VVQ5RHVhQT09#success
- Wednesday, February 24th 12:00-1:00 PM - Renewing Human Rights Agenda U.S. Foreign Policy

- Thursday, February 25th 12:50-1:50 PM - ACS Panel - Social Media Surveillance & Privacy in the United States- The American Constitution Society will host panelists on Zoom to discuss issues surrounding social media surveillance and privacy in the United States today and the possible solutions to protect users’ rights. The Zoom link will be posted as the event gets closer.
- Friday, February 26th 12:45-1:45 PM - DC Program Info Session- Interested in learning more about the DC Program? Ready to think about spending a semester in practice? Come hear about the opportunities available through a semester-long externship in DC. https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/93404328562?pwd=TE5JemU2RGZRQWpOVUdyazM2M1dlZz09#success
- Monday, March 1st 1:00-2:00 PM - IBL Center Spring 2021 Distinguished Speaker Series - The Innovation, Business and Law Center continues its series "Examining Institutional Structures: Race, Business and the Law" with the Spring 2021 Distinguished Speaker Series.
- Shubha Ghosh
- Crandall Melvin Professor of Law
- Director, IP & Technology Commercialization Law Curricular Program
- Syracuse Intellectual Property Law Institute (SIPLI)
- Syracuse University College of Law
- Title: Promoting Equal Protection--Congress' Remedial Powers Under the Copyright & Patent Clause
- Several distinguished scholars have addressed the racial and gender inequities within the intellectual property system. This presentation examines the reform proposals that have recently emerged from this scholarship within Equal Protection analysis. Professor Ghosh makes the case that the constitutionality of these proposals should be assessed through Congressional power to promote science and useful arts. Congress' remedial powers under the Copyright & Patent Clause, as developed in Golan v Holder, supports equitable reform proposals against an Equal Protection-based challenge. The article's analysis demonstrates how "progress" within Article One, Section 8, Clause 8 includes various theories of social justice.
- Tuesday, March 2nd 12:45-2:00 - Intellectual Property Law Society (IPLS) – "Resume/Networking Workshop: Beth Woods" : Please join IPLS for a presentation on Mar. 2nd from 12:45-2PM by Beth Woods, Recruiter and Managing Director at Major, Lindsey & Africa. Beth will be hosting a resume/networking workshop for students interested in intellectual property. The meeting can be accessed with the following Zoom link: https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/92085276938?pwd=aUV3TnkxUENjSXVGbHZ4Q2oxWjFOZz09.
- Monday, March 22nd 12:40-1:40 - Iowa Law Alum, Alison Kanne-A&E Special-Murder Trial - Jason Carter of Knoxville was charged with the murder of his mother in her Marion County home. Meet the Iowa Alum, Alison Kanne, who successfully defended Mr. Carter. Hear about the case, what it was like working with a TV crew filming the documentary and all the work that went into finding the truth. A 2 part documentary will be released to Iowa Law Students on the Friday before the presentation. Look for an email with a link and a password. Please watch the documentary prior to attending this event. https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/95833562414?pwd=NURYRTZyVjZkejEvTWFQZ1psWU1RQT09&from=addon#success
- Student Loan Repayment and Student Loan Forgiveness Webinars: -
- National Tax Law Scholarship Brown, PC is now accepting applications for the firm’s National Tax Law Scholarship, a $500 stipend which will be awarded to a second or third year full-time U.S. law student with a demonstrated interest in tax law. The award will be paid directly to the student, and can be used for any expenses related to legal education, including but not limited to tuition, room, board, books, bar review courses, or commuting expenses. Contact law-financialaid@uiowa.edu with any questions
- Weston and Cmiel Funding for In/Externships- Funding to support summer in/externships is available through the UI Center for Human Rights. Funding is awarded competitively and may be used to support housing, transportation, incidentals, etc. The Burns H. Weston funding program provides $2,500 to a UI law student (single recipient). The Kenneth J. Cmiel funding program awards $10,000 to UI undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs (multiple recipients). Students must be engaged in rights-related work. Eligibility and application information may be found at www.uichr.org. Applications accepted through March 26 (5:00 pm). Contact jo-butterfield@uiowa.edu with any questions.
- Summer Public Interest Grant Applications Available Now - 1Ls & 2Ls: if you are interning this summer in a nonprofit organization or government agency (including judicial chambers) you may apply for summer public interest grants with one application. This includes funds raised by the Equal Justice Foundation.
Applications are available online at: https://law.uiowa.edu/summer-grants-program New this year: Students may apply any time they have secured a position; awards of $750 per student will be made on a rolling basis, while funds remain. Additional specialized awards are available and will be determined in April. This is a new streamlined process, so please do not delay – we hope this will help with planning.
- Scholarship Opportunity and Self-Guided In School and After School Financial Planning - The new MAX spring collection is now available in MAX! The winter break is the perfect time to complete all four of these lessons, attend online events, and receive more entries in the upcoming MAX scholarship drawings. While you’re logged in, check out the latest from the MAX blog: Estate Planning in Your 20s and 30s – Future You Will Thank You. Contact law-financialaid@uiowa.edu with any questions.
- $25,000 or $40,000 Tuition Scholarship Drawing, April 1st - We recognize and understand that for many law students, personal finance may not be a top priority right now. We’ve partnered with MAX by AccessLex Institute to support your personal financial wellness during and after law school. These services are free to our students and alumni. To participate in MAX personal finance curriculum and enter their scholarship drawings create a MAX account. The more MAX lessons completed, the better the changes of winning the scholarship! Entries earned by completing MAX activities during the 2020-2021 academic year will be cumulative and will be included in the April drawings. Please contact law-financialaid@uiowa.edu with any questions.
- 1Ls & 2Ls – Summer Legal Placement Program registration now open Working in an unpaid legal internship for a judge, government agency, or nonprofit organization this summer? Earn 3 credits P/NP through the Summer Legal Placement program. Students develop learning goals, interact with a faculty member, and participate in an online course. For application information, please email Prof. Tai with your internship organization. If you’d like to discuss whether the SLP makes sense for you, Prof. Tai is available to discuss; schedule appointments via Calendly: https://calendly.com/jttai. More information is online here: https://externships.law.uiowa.edu/field-placement-programs/summer-legal-placements
- SBA E-mail - If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to ISBA at law-isba@uiowa.edu.
- ITS: The ITS email team published a new support article with the options to automatically schedule Outlook events with early endings and allow a small break between meetings: https://its.uiowa.edu/support/article/120236.
- Recognition - To recognize the successes and great work of students, staff and faculty a new recognition category has been added to the Monday/Friday Iowa Law emails. Please submit any accomplishments to @ Iowa Law Communications that is referenced at the bottom of the email.
- Monday: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ODD & EVEN WEEKS
- Thursday: 12:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ODD & EVEN WEEKS
- Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ODD WEEKS ONLY
- The EJF Bookstore is also open by appointment. Contact David Banta (801-403-5673; david-banta@uiowa.edu) with any questions.
- Reminder for Face Masks: Face masks (cloth mask, disposable mask, or face shield with mask) are required indoors in all university buildings at all times, except when actively eating or drinking. The designated eating areas at BLB are the Student Commons, Court Café, 4th floor Student Lounge, faculty lounge and staff lounge. Individuals can remove masks only in private, fully contained spaces assigned to them, such as an individual office. Students must continue to wear masks at all times when in the Law Library, including when you are using the tables, computer lab, the study room, and study carrels, and regardless of whether you can see other people. Please note that food and drink are not allowed in the Law Library, so masks must remain on at all times. Masks should be worn outside when social distancing is not possible.
- Building security: BLB exterior doors will remain locked through the Spring 2021 semester. College of Law students, faculty and staff can use their UI ID card for access. When entering and exiting the building please do not hold the door open for others. We realize this is a very common courtesy which we hope to bring back soon but we want to ensure that people who enter BLB are appropriately authorized via their ID card
- Reporting Service Hours - Please remember to record all service hours during the academic year via Symplicity. Service hours must be voluntary, uncompensated, and not compelled (ie, not required for a course or a student organization). Hours are divided into two general categories: Community (those that directly benefit recognized community organizations or non-profits, including pro bono projects organized by the Citizen Lawyer Program) and Institutional (those that benefit the law school, university, or a student group). Service hours are not limited to activities organized through the law school or locally-based; students can record their volunteer work with non-profits, faith communities, and political organizations regardless of location. Please remember to report your service within a month or the date of service via Symplicity. A detailed guide to reporting hours can be found at: https://clp.law.uiowa.edu/service
For Spring 2021, @ Iowa Law messages will be sent on Monday mornings. Friday communications will only be sent as needed for weekend events or time sensitive notifications.
To submit content for @ Iowa Law, please use this form (https://uiowa.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_a43sCRhrCeRrI6p). Use of the form ensures it will reach the team of students that enter all submissions, with Pam Funke as final reviewer prior to publication.
Other ways to promote your programs and share community news