IBA, LSAMP and Science Alliance Newsletter

May 2021

Science Alliance Newsletter

A resource for upcoming conference deadlines, social events, workshops pertinent to your field, program reminders and other relevant activities.


IBA Summer Program

IBA, LSAMP and Science Alliance Interns are eligible to participate in our IBA/LSAMP Summer Program.  This year our seminars will be offered virtually but we hope to have a few in-person social events.  Our programing includes opportunities for students to learn about peer mentoring, communicating research, Diversity/Equity/Inclusion, and more.  We will bring in a panel of graduate students so our undergrads can learn more about apply for and transitioning into graduate school.  

  • The IBA/LSAMP Summer Program is 8 weeks (June 7th-July 30th)
  • Opportunity to work 30-40 hours a week in a research lab
  • Weekly seminars will take place on Wednesdays 12-1pm
  • Social Events throughout the summer
  • On-campus room and board for students in need
  • Program closes with students sharing their research experiences at SURC

Please contact laura-kowalski-bliss@uiowa.com if you have any questions or concerns about the summer program!

2021 Graduation Celebration Event 

2021 Graduation Celebration
Halin Chung, Maddie Anae, Brinda Shetty, Tori Forbes, Dale Abel, Lori Adams, Jia Zhao, Bin He, Kevin Kato, Dustin Fykstra, Javier Guerra, Elias Shaeffer, Adelisa Dedic, Devon Dawson, Michelle Krumm and Gaby Moya

If you missed our graduation celebration this year you can still check it out!  Keynote Speaker, Professor Bin He, Biology, shared his experiences deciding a career path and how he overcame challenges as a graduate student.  We also had an opportunity to hear from most of our graduating seniors about their experiences as an undergrad, involvement in IBA, LSAMP and our new Peer Mentoring Program as well as plans on their next adventures.

For more information on our amazing graduating Seniors check out their capstone projects, and profiles below.


Upcoming Events

Careers in Human Genetics Information Day

Undergrads, recent graduates, or teachers wishing to learn more about careers in human genetics. The Iowa Institute of Human Genetics is hosting a webinar on Monday, May 24th, to expose students to career opportunities in human genetics. Attendees will have a chance to talk with:

  • Research Scientist
  • Bioinformatician
  • Epidemiologist
  • Physician Scientist
  • Research Laboratory Director
  • Systems Administrator
  • Genetic Counselor

This event is intended for undergraduate students, graduate students, and recent graduates to expose students to the diverse career opportunities in human genetics.  This opportunity is a great way for students to discuss first hand different careers in human genetics and ask questions in a small group setting. 

For more information about the May 24th Careers in Human Genetics Information Webinar or to register, please visit our website at: http://www.medicine.uiowa.edu/humangenetics/careerday/.

Future of Personalized Genomic Medicine: Applying to Genetic Counseling Graduate Programs

The Iowa Institute of Human Genetics is hosting a webinar on Tuesday, June 29th. At this information session a panel of genetic counselors will speak about their experience applying to genetic counseling graduate programs as well as their daily activities and role in personalized genomic medicine. This opportunity is a great way for students to discuss firsthand the application process, job growth and ask questions in a small group setting.

This event is intended for undergraduate students, academic advisors and graduate students wishing to learn more about applying to genetic counseling graduate programs.

For more information about the June 29th Applying to Genetic Counseling Programs event or to register, please visit our website at: https://medicine.uiowa.edu/humangenetics/education/undergraduate-education/future-personalized-genomic-medicine-applying-genetic-counseling

We would like to invite you to join us for the 2021 NIH Virtual Summer Enrichment Curriculum, beginning the week of June 7th. All events/activities are free

2021 NIH Virtual Summer Enrichment Program

A summer-long series focusing on the excited science conducted at NIH and on important career, professional development and wellness topics for students of all levels. We encourage you to look at all the program offerings and identify events that will help you achieve your scientific and career goals.

The 2021 NIH Virtual Summer Enrichment Program consists of FOUR elements:

  1. A summer curriculum that includes series of workshops for all levels.
  2. Virtual Opportunities to Explore Data Science for Students OUTSIDE the NIH
  3. The Summer Lectures, designed for young audiences and presented by some of the most respected investigators at the NIH
  4. The 2021 Virtual Graduate & Professional School Fair (July 19th – July 22nd, 2021) Student registration for the fair is now open

While there is no fee to participate, advance registration is required.  To register for events and read event descriptions, please visit Upcoming Events or check the Summer Enrichment Curriculum schedule.


IBA awarded NIH MARC (Maximizing Access to Research Careers) grant!

This grant will provide underrepresented University of Iowa junior and senior student researchers a generous annual stipend for their research as well as cover 60% (a portion) of in-state or out-of state tuition. We are excited to begin this next phase and join the community of NIH MARC programs across the US that are working to increase and support the diversity of researchers in the scientific workforce.

Two IBA Scholars received the Levin Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research!

Jia Zhao (He Lab) and Cristina Garcia (Green Lab).  This award recognizes a Biology student who is undertaking research in Biology and has the potential to make and outstanding contribution to research.  Jia will be heading to MIT to pursue her PhD in Biology and Cristina will be graduating next Spring.  Great job Jia and Cristina!!!

IBA Alumni Receives Prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Congratulations to alumna, Rikki Laser, for receiving a 2021 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP)!  Rikki Laser graduated from the University of Iowa in 2020 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Neuroscience. While at Iowa, she was an Iowa Biosciences Academy Scholar and a Latham Fellow (2018-19). She is currently pursuing a PhD in Psychology at Cornell University.  Congratulations Rikki!


2021 IBA/LSAMP Capstone Projects

Check out the IBA and LSAMP Capstone Projects.  

Student Presentations

  Anthony Vitale Developing Preventative Therapy for Radiation-Induced Tissue Damage
  Jia Zhao How to Build a Personal Website from Scratch!
  Elias Shaeffer Developing the Science Alliance Application Portal
  Josh Peterson Literature Review of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Skeletal Muscle
  Ricky Lozano Flores Finding Success in Science
  Adelisa Dedic

Graduate School Trends: a Student Perspective

Websites, Blogs and Comics

  Jia Zhao's Website

Maddie Anae's Comic - Natural Phenomena: Vol 1

  Karina Deniz's Blog


Program Infomercials

Michelle Krumm (IBA Scholar) assisted creating several of the following short videos for our programs.  They were initially created for eSURF 2021 program but we liked them so much we will be using them for other applications.  You can check the videos out below. 

IBA Commercial

LSAMP Commercial

Latham Commercial


Meet our IBA and LSAMP 2021 Graduates!

IBA and LSAMP had 17 students graduating this Spring!  This group of students showed their resiliency weathering the challenges of undergraduate research during a pandemic.  We will miss all of these amazing students and we can't wait to see what they will accomplish as the move through their education and careers!  





Maddie Anae

IBA Scholar and LSAMP Intern
BA Geoscience

Adelisa Dedic

IBA Scholar
BA Psychology, Human Relations Minor

Mikayla Eppert

IBA Scholar
BA Biochemistry and Spanish
University Honors

Dustin Fykstra

IBA Scholar
BS Biomedical Sciences
University Honors in Biology and Distinction

Renato Jensen

IBA Scholar
BS Biochemistry

Lexi Leali

IBA Scholar
BS Physics, Astronomy,
Mathematics(Prog C) 

Ricky Lozano Flores

IBA Scholar
BS Biology (Cell &
Developmental Biology)

Mayra Narvaez Cardenas

IBA Scholar
BSE Chemical Engineering
(Energy and Env)

Elias Shaeffer

IBA Scholar
BSE Biomedical Engineering (Bioinformatics)

Anthony Vitale

IBA Scholar
BSE Biomedical Engineering (Cellular Engineering)

Jia Zhao

IBA Scholar
BS Biology (Genetics and Biotech), University Honors in Biology and Distinction

Karina Deniz

LSAMP Intern
BSE Biomedical Engineering (Cellular Engineering)

Javier Guerra

LSAMP Intern
BS Biology (Integrated Biology)

Kevin Kato

LSAMP Intern
BS Biology (Integrated Biology)

Gaby Moya

LSAMP Intern
BSE Chemical Engineering (Entrepreneurship)

Marie Mutesi 

LSAMP Intern
BA Interdepartmental Studies
(Health Science
Multidisciplinary Science)

Towanou Noukonme

LSAMP Intern
BA Biochemistry

Spring Programming



This Spring the IBA, LSAMP and Science Alliance offered a variety of programming for our students.  This included our Spring Retreat, Game Night, Peer Mentoring Activities, Coping in a Pandemic, Capstone Presentations and of course our Graduation Celebration.Career Exploration Is one of the Seminars available for Science Alliance students.

Chelsey Gates and the Spring Career Exploration Class decided to move things to the outdoors for their final class!

Pictured to the Right: Ruby Sanchez (LSAMP), Bryan Guevara (SA), 
Sofia Gomez (SA), Amanda Caraballo (SA), and Chelsey Gates


Conferences, Seminars & Travel Opportunities

Due to COVID-19 many regional and national conferences have moved to virtual formats.  Students still have an opportunity to submit abstracts for poster or oral presentations and we would encourage you to explore options in your research fields.  To start exploring your options click here.

IBA, LSAMP and Science Alliance Interns -  Please contact laura-kowalski-bliss@uiowa.edu for assistance with paying for abstract submissions, conference registrations or other expenses related to presenting your research.   


Shared Thoughts from our Seniors

I really enjoyed how connected we all were. As I mentioned before, I finally felt as if I was accepted somewhere. It feels like I finally belong to a community who understands me. IBA made me feel more prepared than I ever was for graduate school. I never thought I could ever feel prepared, but I truly feel like I've learned more in this past year, than I have my entire college career about my future and how to reach my destination. I truly liked how involved I felt with IBA. I wasn't ever excluded. – Adelisa Dedic

I really enjoyed the programs that I attended.  I learned so much about research, graduate school, mentoring and being mentored.  I appreciated all the resources you were able to provide me to help me grow as a student researcher. – Elias Shaeffer

Being super supportive!  Excellent IBA seminars, workshops and career development services!  Also, the payment helps a lot! – Jia Zhao

What did you really like about the LSAMP Program?  Meeting all the other students, leaders and mentors (the people are great). – Kevin Kato

I really enjoyed the inclusive and supportive community. I felt that I had people who had similar ambitions to my own and were willing to support me through my journey towards a Ph.D. – Maddie Anae

The courses have pushed me out of my comfort zone and forced me to learn valuable skills that I might have struggled with otherwise (writing personal essays in the case of Applying to Graduate School or reading and presenting about scientific papers in the case of Journal Club. – Renato Jense

I hope people view this program as a great way for minority students to get involved in science on campus. The flexibility with being able to choose and reach out to people that work in a field you are actually interested and not just being assigned to any department really helps you build connections with other and prepare for a career in science! – Javier Guerra 

I really enjoyed having the sense of community that IBA provides. Everyone comes from a different background and has different interests, but we all share a love for science. – Dustin Fykstra

I hope people look at IBA as a community, or as a family. Everyone in the program is there to help you in any way they can. You will never feel left out or excluded. I hope people look at IBA and see a place where they feel they belong just like I felt and still feel! – Adelisa Dedic



Summer Birthdays!

May July (cont.)
5/15 Cade Ralf 7/17 Camila Gomez
5/18 Chelsey Gates 7/18 Cristina Garcia
5/28 Elivs Mutebi 7/23 Quinn Mattison
June 7/29 Floyd Evans
6/4 Tori Forbes 7/30 Mikayla Eppert
6/8 Bryan Guevara 7/30 Brinda Shetty
6/16 Tomi Taiwo August
July 8/5 Anna Ptacek
7/13 Michelle Krum 8/7 Ruby Sanchez
7/16 Meghan Cantu 8/15 Josie Bliss


IBA, LSAMP and Science Alliance Staff

Lori Adams

Co-PI and Director, IBA
Associate Professor of Instruction, Dept of Biology

Tori Forbes

Associate Professor, Dept of Chemistry

Vincent Rodgers

Co-Investigator, Instructor for IBA
Professor, Dept Physics and Astronomy

Brinda Shetty

Associate Director, IBA

Chelsey Gates

Graduate Research Assistant

Devon Dawson

Graduate Research Assistant

Halin Chung

Graduate Research Assistant


Laura Kowalski-Bliss

Administrative Services Coordinator

Iowa Biosciences Academy
169 Biology Building
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1324
Phone: 319-467-1483


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