Slater Hall pest control concerns
Slater Hall pest control concerns

Dear Slater Residents,

The University of Iowa takes great pride in providing you a safe, clean, and functional living environment, and would like you to know we are actively working on solutions to reduce the threat of pests who make their way in from the outside.  

All of our spaces are treated for pests over the summer prior to students arriving in August, and the housing and dining staff is well-equipped to respond to student concerns during the school year. As nearby demolition and construction work disrupts the outdoor habitat, we will continue to work with our pest control contractor to provide non-toxic treatments to our indoor facilities. 

To report an issue with a pest, please complete a work order at the front desk of your residence hall. This allows for a comprehensive building response.  More information is available here:

Please also consider that pests are drawn to water and food sources and they often make their way inside when it is too hot, too cold, or wet outside.

Below are some tips you can use to assist our pest control efforts: 

  • Don’t leave food out. 
  • Use plastic containers with lids when storing food in your room.
  • Keep your room tidy, limiting items on the floor and cardboard boxes in the room. This will also assist in treatment for pests in your room (if necessary).
  • If possible, take a photo of the pest for us to identify to determine appropriate extermination/removal treatment.
  • Work with the front desk staff of your hall to complete a work order if you see indications of pests in your room.

We want you to be secure and comfortable in your room. Please contact your hall staff with any questions or concerns you may have. 



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