College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics

Dean's Message

The UI College of Dentistry operates on four main fronts — education, patient care, research, and service. All four of these aspects of the college are woven together and give us a unique identity. The crossover in each of these areas allow us to collaborate more effectively, resulting in learning more efficiently, and providing a higher quality service. We should always keep collaboration in mind throughout our workdays to see how one part of our day can positively affect another. We are the largest integrated group practice of board-certified specialists in the country. The knowledge and expertise within our walls are enormous. Before the semester ends, I'd like to challenge each of you to connect with a person or part of the college you are unfamiliar with; walk down the hall and congratulate one of our faculty members who have recently won an award, ask a question to one of our global experts on a subject, or thank a front office staffer for everything that they do. These small acts may help allow you to learn something new or find a new interest within dentistry. Cheers! ~Clark Stanford

Updates for April 19, 2024–April 25, 2024

Tabitha Peter awarded Fulbright to Colombia

Tabitha Peter, a PhD candidate in biostatistics and a graduate research assistant for the Iowa Institute for Oral Health Research, was awarded a Fulbright Study/Research Grant to Colombia for 2024-25. She plans to use her time in Colombia to integrate community engagement elements from patients recruited from the Noel Clinic, a non-profit pediatric clinic in Medellín with her dissertation project investigating genetic markers related to cleft lip and palate. 

Steven Levy Receives 2024 AAPHD Distinguished Service Award

As a respected leader in the field of dental public health, The American Association of Public Health Dentistry (AAPHD) recognized Steven Levy for his contributions to the field in research, advocacy, and teaching.

Azeez Butali named Emerging Leader by ACPA

Azeez Butali, the Gilbert E. Lilly Professor of Diagnostic Sciences, was recognized at the American Cleft Palate Craniofacial Association’s annual meeting with the Emerging Leader Award. The award is given to an early career professional who exhibits exemplary accomplishment and dedication to issues affecting people with cleft and craniofacial conditions.

OVPR awards Curtis Iberg 2024 Innovation in Safety Award

Curtis Iberg, manager of sterilization services in the College of Dentistry, received the Innovation in Safety Award, which celebrates exceptional and ground-breaking innovations that advance safety at the UI. Iberg led a major renovation of the College of Dentistry’s instrument processing and sterilization area, with the aim of encouraging better workflow and support for future growth.


“His innovations in workspace are a valuable asset to the greater University and demonstrates that the most important people to be involved in a space renovation are those that use the area because they can see how the facility can better function and how it can be designed for future needs,” said Kecia Leary, associate dean of clinics.

UI College of Dentistry to unveil Herky Smiles at IDEAS24

The UI College of Dentistry will be unveiling its Herky on Parade Statue, “Herky Smiles,” to open IDEAS24 in Coralville, Iowa, on May 2 at 10 a.m. inside the Hyatt Regency Hotel and Conference Center. Join members of the college for the unveiling the dental-themed Herky statue.

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Parolia

Get to know Dr. Parolia, associate professor in the department of endodontics. 

"People think endodontics is only root canal therapy...In reality, it goes way beyond that."

UI College of Dentistry hosts all-college potluck

The UI College of Dentistry hosted an all-college potluck last week. Faculty, staff, students, and residents had the opportunity to share their favorite dish with peers and enjoy each other’s company.

Pre-Dental Club apparel fundraiser is now live

The University of Iowa's Pre-Dental club is hosting their annual apparel fundraiser now through Sunday, April 21 at 10 p.m. (CT). The funds will create more connections in the pre-dental community by allowing the executive board to host social events and support members with items like graduation cords for seniors. Please ship your purchases to your current home address as we do not have space to hold items in our building. Thank you for supporting our prospective dental students.

IDEAS24 to host dueling pianos on May 3

All UI College of Dentistry students are welcome to join the IDA for a dueling pianos event at the Hyatt Regency Coralville, Oakdale Ballroom, on May 3 starting at 8 p.m. No RSVP is required, and admission is free. Enjoy a fun evening with your peers!


April 21, Milwaukee Domestic Animal Control Commission Benefit Concert, led by Dr. Damiano's HomeBrewed music group, 4:00 p.m., 1434 N. Farwell Ave, Shank Hall, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

April 25, Seminars in Dental Research: Ronald Stauss, "Blessings in Disguise: Finding Wisdom from Facial Difference," hosted by Steve Levy, Galagan B, 12-1 p.m.

May 2, IDEAS24 Welcome Happy Hour for Dental Students, 4:30 - 6 p.m., Iowa Athletic Club Restaurant

May 2, UI College of Dentistry Herky On Parade statue unveiling, TBD, Hyatt Regency Coralville, IA

May 3, Dental Alumni Reception in conjunction with the IDA Annual Meeting, Hyatt Regency Coralville, IA. 4-6 p.m. Iowa Athletic Club Restaurant, RSVP HERE.

May 3, IDEAS24 President's Dinner, Hyatt Regency Coralville, Oakdale Ballroom, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., RSVP via email.

May 3, IDEAS24 Dueling Pianos, Free; all students welcome, Hyatt Regency Coralville, Oakdale Ballroom, 8:00 p.m.

May 15, Oral Science Celebration, 4:30-6:00 p.m. in W220A/B

May 17, IASDA Talent Show at the Coralville Center for Performing Arts emceed by Dr. Michael Kanellis and Dr. Karen Baker. $5 admission. Email Amam Nasir to sign up for a performance slot.

August 2, Prospective DDS Student Interview Day

August 8, Prospective DDS Student Interview Day

August 14, Prospective DDS Student Interview Day

August 29, Prospective DDS Student Interview Day

September 6, Chew on This: Emerging Trends in Pediatric Dental Care CE course, 8:00 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.

September 13, Prospective DDS Student Interview Day

September 13-14, Dentistry Alumni Reunion Weekend (years ending in 4s and 9s)

September 19, Prospective DDS Student Interview Day

September 30, Prospective DDS Student Interview Day

October 4-5, Iowa Mission of Mercy (IMOM), Sioux City, Iowa, Tyson Events Center

October 18, Prospective DDS Student Interview Day

October 30, Prospective DDS Student Interview Day (Virtual)

November 7, Prospective DDS Student Interview Day


Notes and Resources 

Lend a helping hand. Due to her own health-related needs, Ashley Marzocchi has exhausted her sick leave and vacation. If you would like to help Ashley by contributing vacation time, please go to the following website: CAT Leave, and click on “Catastrophic Leave Donation Form.”

Filling Station Menu

Hours: M-R: 7:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.; F: 7:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

The Hawkeye Smile banner image shows dental students during the 71st Anniversary of the UI's Iowa Section of the AADOCR

The University of Iowa