CLAS students, 

The five-week mark of the semester is here! We hope the fall is going well for you and that the resources in this newsletter will help you prepare for midterms, think about registering for the spring semester, or apply for graduation.

Please reach out to CLAS Undergraduate Programs if and when you need us. We'll help you solve academic challenges, explore majors and courses, and graduate.  

Student resources

Image: "Hello" is written in various languages on a chalkboard

How to pick your world language pathway

There has been a lot of buzz about recent changes to the college's world language requirement. Not sure what these options are and which one to choose? CLAS advisors provide an overview. 


A student studying and writing in a notebook

Prep like a pro with these midterm study strategies and workshops

Midterm exams are approaching! Whether this is your first semester of college or your last, this can be challenging. By spending a little time now to plan your study schedule and choose effective study strategies, you can reduce stress and achieve your best work. 

A student writes in a notebook

CLAS renames two general education areas

You’ll soon notice when you log in to MyUI or access your degree audit that the Diversity and Inclusion General Education area is now called Understanding Cultural Perspectives and Values and the Culture General Education area is now Values and Society. You will not need to take any additional or different courses because of the renaming. 

An academic advisor meets with a student

Get a jump start on registration

Can you believe it's already time to start thinking about winter and spring registration? Follow these tips from your academic advisors in CLAS to ensure you are ready to register and that your schedule is full for your next semester.

Schaeffer Hall exterior

New structure for environmental, world language programs

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences will have new administrative structures for its environmental and world language programs next academic year. These changes will support student success, simplify administration, and enhance faculty collaboration. Several new majors will also be available for students interested in sustainability sciences and policy.

Graduation caps

Graduating in December?

The deadline to submit your application for fall 2024 graduation is Friday, Oct. 4. Apply for your degree through MyUI under the "Student Information" heading. Check your degree audit before applying. Save the date for the CLAS commencement ceremony on Sunday, Dec. 22 at 1 p.m. Visit the commencement website to view a graduation checklist, find apparel, and learn how to RSVP for your ceremony, which must be completed by Nov. 17.  

Student experiences

A student participates in the all majors career fair

Find your next internship or first job

Stop by the All Majors Career fair, hosted by the Pomerantz Career Center, on Thursday, Sept. 26 (tomorrow!) from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. at the IMU. This event will focus on recruiting undergraduate students across all majors! Typically more than 100 employers attend, drawing more than 1,000 students.

A photo from the journalism sustainability capstone

Journalism students gain hands-on experience reporting on sustainability

The School of Journalism and Mass Communication collaborated with the Iowa Initiative for Sustainable Communities on three capstone classes where students produced news content, took photos, and created communication plans to help the city of Dubuque.
A graphic featuring a phone and blue and red text bubbles

Political science course examines social media's influence on politics

Social media, such as Instagram and TikTok, has become a major source of information on politics. Ahead of this fall’s presidential election, a CLAS political science class learns how to navigate misinformation and a lack of civility online.
Sport and recreation management students on the NASCAR track

Sport and recreation management students pitch plan to NASCAR

An exciting practicum course in the Department of Health and Human Physiology allowed students to provide Gen-Z marketing insight and present a business plan to NASCAR executives.

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