| Dean's Message
The college's alumni magazine, the Dental Link, began hitting mailboxes this week. Over the next few weeks, our team will be publicizing stories from the magazine in the Hawkeye Smile. It is always a treat to see a recap of all that has happened in the life of the college and our alumni over the last six months or so. Cheers! ~Clark Stanford | | Updates for December 9, 2022–December 15, 2022 | | | As an alumnus, a gifted clinician, and a cutting-edge researcher, Clark Stanford is ready to get to work as the dean of his alma mater and to build on its legacy and strengths as it becomes Iowa's dental hospital. | | The UI College of Dentistry is teaming up with the UI Carver College of Medicine, the UI College of Nursing, and the UI College of Pharmacy to host a University of Iowa Health Sciences Bowl Reception before the Music City Bowl. Please join Dean Clark Stanford on Friday, Dec. 30 from 3:00 p.m.–4:30 p.m. for a complimentary reception at the Omni Nashville Hotel, Legends Ballroom E-G, Second Level at 250 Rep. John Lewis Way South, Nashville, TN. RSVP by Dec. 23. | | | We are grateful to Clayton (’98 DDS, ’00 MS, ’00 ORTHS) and Kim Parks for kicking off the endowed Tom and Karin Southard Orthodontics Excellence fundraising effort this summer. This fundraising effort has a $1.5M goal and will provide unrestricted support to enhance the teaching, research, and service missions of the Department of Orthodontics at the University. Parks is a lifelong resident of Cedar Rapids. He is partner in Parks, Schmit & Fuller Orthodontics with four practices throughout the Cedar Rapids/Marion area. He serves as visiting assistant professor at the College of Dentistry on a 20% appointment. He serves as secretary/treasurer for the Iowa Society of Orthodontists. Clayton and Kim have two grown children, John and Lindsay, and live in rural Cedar Rapids with their two Australian shepherds. | | On December 2, Jennifer Sukalski successfully defended her dissertation, “Perceived Social Status and Oral Health Outcomes: A New Determinant of Health?" under the direction of Susan McKernan, associate professor in preventive and community dentistry. More information about Sukalski's dissertation project was published in the Spring 2021 Iowa Section of the AADOCR booklet. | | | Insight Mentoring Communities The Iowa Practice Transitions Office started a new student-faculty mentoring program this fall called “Insight Mentoring Communities.” The office pairs a faculty member with a group of students and they meet a few times throughout the year to build community and camaraderie. If you would like more information on how to participate as a faculty member or student, reach out to Lindsey Drilling. On November 29, Shankar Rengasamy Venugopalan, associate professor of orthodontics, took his Insight Community bowling at Spare Time. | | The College of Dentistry welcomes Sarah Habi Sarah Hebl is a new Support Services Specialist in Clinic Administration and will be working in the call center. She previously worked at the Dermatology Clinic in the Hospital as a Clinical Services Specialist. She is married to Aaron (going on 10 years 😊) and has 2 children, 3 German Shepherds and a Lab mix. She enjoys gardening, baking, and crafting in her free time. She is very excited to be part of the College of Dentistry team! | | | The College of Dentistry welcomes Tammy Rickey Tammy Rickey has recently joined the College of Dentistry Business Office as a support services specialist. Her hometown is Winfield, but she now lives in Cedar Rapids. She has two daughters and seven grandchildren. In her spare time, she enjoys water activities and sports. She also spends a lot of time with family and friends. I have been in dentistry for 41 years working in dental business offices. Tammy said, "I am looking forward to learning new things at the College of Dentistry, and am very pleased to be working here." | | Eugene A's review: "The appt was scheduled as quick as could; the friendliness from all persons involved was so awesome, it was just welcoming; and when i needed a second appt asap, they actually did it within 7 days. The smiling thru their masks was noticeable & i highly recommend going to the University of Iowa College of Dentistry. i grade them as high as i can, plus! thank you." | | | Chung J, Chen X, Zhang N, Zhou Y. Oral conditions and other symptoms among older persons in long-term care facilities during the end of life. Spec Care Dentist. 2022 Nov 29. doi: 10.1111/scd.12805. PMID: 36446555.
Oral health affects overall health. This is especially true in long-term care facilities, where tooth pain can cause eating, drinking, and overall health to deteriorate. In this A retrospective case-control study, the team found that oral conditions had significant impacts on depression, poor appetite, pain, shortness of breath, and constipation. The team concluded that it is important to provide preventive and proactive intervention for oral conditions, not only to minimize the negative effects of oral conditions on other symptoms in long-term care facilities, but also to support people who might be suffering other symptoms due to oral conditions at the end of life. | | The approval of the Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (OMR) specialty by the American Dental Association (ADA) in 1999 can be largely attributed to two individuals: Axel Ruprecht, former professor, UI College of Dentistry’s Oral Pathology, Radiology, and Medicine; and Mel Kantor, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. Learn more about how it all happened! | | Events
December 9, Derek Williamson, Collegewide Lunch and Learn: "How I Integrate Digital Technology into my Prosthodontic Practice," Galagan A, 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.
December 30, University of Iowa Health Sciences Bowl Reception before the Music City Bowl, Iowa v. Kentucky, Nashville, TN, 3:00 p.m.–4:30 p.m.
January 20, Dental Alumni Reception in conjunction with the Rocky Mountain Dental Convention, Maggiano’s Little Italy at Denver Pavillions, Denver, CO, 5:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
February 24, Dental Alumni Reception in conjunction with the Chicago Mid-Winter Meeting, Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, IL, 5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
May 5, Dental Alumni Reception in conjunction with IDA Annual Meeting, Cedar Rapids, IA, 4:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.
Notes and Resources
M-R: 7:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.; F: 7:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Dec 19-30: M-F: 7:30a.m.–2:00 p.m. CLOSED Dec 26, 27, Jan 2 Jan 3-13: M-F: 7:30a.m.–3:00 p.m.
The banner Hawkeye Smile image shows Herky with Amanda Shoemaker, the director of alumni relations and continuing education. | |                         | | | |