Professional Development | Upcoming Conferences
- The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)'s 2023 conference is in Boston, Massachusetts (November 18th-20th, 2022). The deadline for registration is October 26th, 2022.
- The International Studies Association (ISA)'s 2023 conference is in Montreal, Quebec, Canada (March 15th-18th, 2023). Though the call for proposals is past, the deadline for registration is Oct. 26th, 2022 for those who wish to attend.
- The Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) has an open call for proposals for their 2023 conference at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minnesota (June 6th-10th, 2023). The deadline for proposal submissions is October 28th, 2022.
- The International Association of Language Learning Technology (IALLT) has issued a call for proposals for their 2023 conference in New Orleans, Louisiana (June 14th-17th, 2023). The deadline for proposal submissions is November 4th, 2022 and the theme is "Language and Technology at the Crossroads."
- The National Heritage Language Resource Center (NHLRC) has an open call for abstracts for their Fourteenth Heritage Language Research Institute (June 5th-8th, 2023). The deadline for abstract submissions is December 15th, 2022 and the theme is "Heritage languages and communities in the post-pandemic world."
| | Teaching Technology | Virtual Reality Tech in the Classroom
- Before or after attending the CLCL's VR for Language and Culture Learning event (see above), read Reimagining Language Lessons for Immersive Learning in Virtual Reality to learn more about virtual reality technology and its uses in the classroom. Amelia Ijiri of the Kyoto Institute of Technology discusses the usefulness of VR technology and describes her own experience with it in an elementary Japanese course.
| | Supporting Students | Multilingualism Moves Our World
- The Joint National Committee for Languages (JNCL) has a series of interviews on how multilingualism is critical to various fields. You may find it helpful to include them in your discussions on postgraduate success.
Global Seal of Biliteracy
| | Opportunities for Collaboration | Food Studies @ UIowa
- Faculty, staff, and students meet regularly to discuss teaching food studies courses and sharing resources across disciplines. If you're interested in joining, feel free to fill out this Doodle poll to give your input and get updates on meetings times.
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