Campus update on 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Campus update on 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Campus update on 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The University of Iowa has been closely monitoring reports and recommendations from national and regional health agencies regarding COVID-19 and continues to take proactive action to prepare on campus by following the university’s Critical Incident Management Plan. Updated information and FAQs about the university’s response and how you can stay healthy has been published at This page will continue to be updated as guidance changes and new information becomes available. Please refer to this page and other regional and national health agencies for the most accurate, up-to-date information.

We have canceled study abroad programs in China, South Korea, and Italy based on country-specific travel guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of State. We have also canceled all exchange programs in Japan due to concerns about the ability of the host institutions to provide adequate health and safety infrastructure should the situation with COVID-19 deteriorate.

The Iowa Department of Public Health has just released new guidance surrounding self-isolation for those returning from a COVID-19 affected area as defined by the CDC. Students, faculty, and staff returning from those countries have been asked to inform the University of Iowa via this link of their plans for self-isolation.

While we will not be releasing personal information about returning students, faculty, and staff, the university will work closely with the Iowa Department of Public Health to monitor people at increased risk. Should any UI community member be diagnosed with the virus, public health officials and the UI would respond immediately to identify others who may be at risk and make appropriate recommendations. There are no confirmed cases in Iowa at this time.

If you have questions regarding self-isolation; feel sick with a fever, cough, or difficulty breathing; or have been in contact with someone with confirmed 2019 Novel Coronavirus, please call your health care provider and notify them of your symptoms and recent travel. Your health care provider will determine if you need to be seen in the office and if so, will provide special instructions to prevent exposing others.


Call the Student Health Nurseline (319-335-9704) and inform them of your travel history and symptoms. After hours and on weekends, call the UI Hospitals & Clinics Integrated Call Center (319-384-8442 or toll free at 800-777-8442).

If you have concerns or questions, you can also email Student Health (

For additional support:

Faculty and staff

If you believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19, please call your health care provider or the UI Hospitals & Clinics Integrated Call Center (319-384-8442 or toll free at 800-777-8442) and inform them of your travel history and symptoms. 

For additional support:

  • UI Employee Assistance Program (319-335-2085) or
  • Johnson County Crisis Center (319-351-0140)

This is an evolving situation and the university is committed to providing updated information and guidance, including regarding spring break, as it becomes available. Throughout this process the university will maintain its excellence in higher education and ensuring a transformational learning experience for our students.

Thank you,

Montserrat Fuentes, executive vice president and provost
Laura McLeran, interim vice president for student life

The University of Iowa