Welcome to November, Hawkeyes! We hope you enjoy this week's Honorable Messenger and check out all of the wonderful events and opportunities. Have a great week! 

Getting Involved in Research Roadshow 

Want to get involved in research but don’t know where to start? Join the Honors Outreach Ambassadors in collaboration with the ICRU (Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduates) on November 4th at 5 PM over Zoom for a roadshow to learn more about research opportunities at the University of Iowa. Email molly-r-harris@uiowa.edu with questions. RSVP HERE! 

Student Organization Leadership Roadshow 

On November 7th at 7 PM, the Honors Outreach Ambassadors in collaboration with Student Engagement will host a roadshow about student organization leadership. Learn how to be a strong leader for your organization and discover resources for student leaders on campus. The presentation will be on Zoom. Contact connor-linzer@uiowa.edu with questions. RSVP HERE! 

Stress Management as a College Student Roadshow 

On November 7th at 11:30 AM, Honors Ambassadors in collaboration with University Counseling Services will host a roadshow called “Stress Management as a College Student.” Join the event over Zoom to learn about different strategies and take a well-needed break! Direct questions to puja-mekala@uiowa.edu. RSVP HERE! 


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Honors Roadshow 

Join the Honors Outreach Ambassadors and Honors DEI Council members on Tuesday, November 8th at 6 PM for a roadshow about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and how it fits into the Honors Program at the University of Iowa! The presentation will be in the Blank Honors Center Library (Room 318). Email rabiah-naallah@uiowa.edu with any questions. RSVP HERE! 

Summer Health Professions Education Program

Are you a first-year or second-year undergraduate student interested in pursuing a career in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, or public health? The Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) is a FREE program to help you achieve your dreams! SHPEP is a FREE six-week enrichment program that runs from June 11-July 22, 2023. It will be held in-person on the University of Iowa campus, but students are accepted nationwide, and community college students are also encouraged to apply. Apply by February 5, 2023!

Forensic Rhetoric: Memory, Storytelling, and Archives

Looking for Spring Experiential Learning Credit? Check out RHET 2350 Forensic Rhetoric: Memory, Storytelling, and Archives in Spring 2023, TTH 9:30-10:45am. Forensic Rhetoric essentially focuses on how we use the past to make arguments, and this takes shape in a few different ways. We’ll also be crafting memoir-based and/or investigative podcasts and work on a multi-modal archival project. RHET 2350 counts towards the Rhetoric Minor, the Certificate in Writing, the Certificate in Resilience and Trauma-Informed Perspectives (administered by the School of Social Work) and will also count as Honors Experiential Learning Credit. The course has a cap of 20 students. 

Fulbright Program Info Session 

Would you like to teach English, study, or do research abroad for an academic year at no cost? Learn how you can enrich your education, advance your career, and make meaningful connections across the globe with a Fulbright grant (U.S. citizens only) during a group presentation session for International Education Week, Monday, November 14, from 1-2 PM (CST), via Zoom. See HERE for details and registration!



Honors in the Major Q&A Session

Registration is fast approaching, and for those of you still looking for opportunities for experiential learning, consider Honors in the Major! On November 10th, from 5:00-6:30 in 440 BHC, our experiential learning team is hosting an event to answer any and all questions regarding Honors in the Major. This event will provide information for those curious about the process, requirements, and general overview of Honors in the Major. Attending will be students who have completed or are close to completing their Honors Thesis to provide realistic and experienced advice. They will answer questions about how to create an Honors Thesis, how to figure out the specific requirements for your department, and any other inquiries you might have! Snacks will be provided! We hope to see you there! Please reach out to megan-fear@uiowa.edu for any questions/concerns or contact ipeimann@uiowa.edu if any accommodations are needed. 

Blog Post

From the Desk of the Council: A Conversation with Dr. Schreier on Mental Health for High-achieving Students

Our Honors Diversity Council is back with its weekly blog series! This year, the From the Desk of the Council blog is featuring members of the HDC to serve as a voice for marginalized students on campus.

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