College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics

Dean's Message

One Day for Iowa—the University of Iowa's annual day of giving—was held this past Wednesday. Thank you to those who gave financially to help us better meet the needs of low-income patients in our clinics, and you can still give if you missed the chance! But giving back is about more than financial gifts. I commend you all on your efforts to support our college, our profession, and our local communities with your time, your talents, and your financial gifts. Thank you for your generosity! It's great to be a Hawkeye! ~Clark Stanford

Updates for March 30, 2023–April 6, 2023

Steve Marshall, Clark Stanford, Kyungsup Shin, Thomas Southard, and Laura Bonner

New textbook belongs on the shelf of everyone who manages childhood orthodontic issues

In January 2023, Iowa orthodontics faculty published Practical Early Orthodontic Treatment: A Case-Based Review. The text is receiving rave reviews and is sure to become the definitive textbook in the orthodontic treatment of children.

Sara Miller

OVPR announces Sara Miller for Discovery and Innovation Award

The Office of the Vice President for Research named Sara Miller, research manager in the Iowa Institute for Oral Health Research in the College of Dentistry and Dental Clinic, for the Distinguished Research Professional Award. This university-wide award recognizes staff members who performed exceptional service in support of research at the University of Iowa by conducting experiments, collecting, and analyzing results and performing operational duties associated with a laboratory or research program.

Thank you written over a graphic of the Old Capitol building at the University of Iowa

Thank you!

You did it, Hawkeyes! Thank you for your generosity on One Day for Iowa! It's great to be a Hawkeye 🖤💛

Cover of the Journal of Dental Technologies

Prosthodontics faculty's digital images featured on cover of JDT

Salahaldeen Abuhammoud, clinical assistant professor and a collegiate leader in digital dentistry, recently had one of his images featured on the cover of the Journal of Dental Technology for the month of April 2023. The image occupies a story about planning and executing a complete arch restoration.

Amit Unnadkat

Congratulations to Amit Unnadkat on his successful thesis defense!

On March 28, Amit Unnadkat successfully defended his Master's thesis, "Sintering Effect on Zirconia Manufactured by Suspension Enclosed Projection Stereolithography." 

Iowa Dental Association Logo

IDA Scholarship Deadline TODAY March 31

The Iowa Dental Foundation (IDF) is currently accepting scholarship applications. All dental (D3s), dental hygiene, dental assistant, and dental lab technician students are encouraged to apply. Dental students may receive up to $5,000 and all other dental professional students up to $750. The total number of scholarships awarded and amounts vary each year. For more information or to see past awardees, visit the IDF webpage.

Completed applications must be submitted by March 31.


Collaborative and Innovative Research

Guzman-Perez G, Jurado CA, Azpiazu-Flores F, Afrashtehfar KI, Tsujimoto A. Minimally Invasive Laminate Veneer Therapy for Maxillary Central Incisors. Medicina (Kaunas). 2023 Mar 18;59(3):603. doi: 10.3390/medicina59030603. PMID: 36984604.

This article is a case report of a 30-year-old female with incisal wear and diastemas between the central and lateral incisors. Using minimally invasive techniques, the provider performed a diagnostic wax-up and mock-up, and the patient approved treatment using veneers only for central incisors. A reduction guide helped the providers take a conservative approach to tooth preparations, and hand-crafted feldspathic veneers were bonded under total isolation with a rubber dam. The patient was pleased with the results, and the two final veneers significantly improved the smile. This case illustrated some of the guiding principles of minimally invasive dentistry where treatment for esthetics are tailored to each patient's esthetic expectations, which prevents overtreatment.

Clark Stanford with a tote in his hand walking by the Dental Science Building

Looking Back

On April 1, 2022, Clark Stanford became the 14th dean of the University of Iowa College of Dentistry. Here's an article about his first year and his return to Iowa from the winter 2022 edition of the Dental Link.


March 30, Thesis Defense: Derrick Bisnett, S384, 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

April 4, Thesis Defense: Ala Al Saffer, N212, 12:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.

April 4, Thesis Defense: Veronica Sule, N212, 2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m.

April 11, Noon Seminar: Hong Li, University of Colorado, AMC, “Understanding Orofacial Clefting at Single Cell Resolution,” hosted by Eric Van Otterloo, Galagan B, 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.

April 13, Thesis Defense: Mustafa Tattan, W333 , 12:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.

April 13, Thesis Defense: Maria Rosas Diaz, S422, 12:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.  

April 14, Live Distance Course: Thinking Game for Maxillary Full Arch Implant Restorations, Aaron Cho, 8:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m.

April 18, Noon Seminar: Erin Bumann, University of Missouri, KC, “Adverse Childhood Experiences Impact Tooth Emergence & Development,” hosted by Aline Petrin, Galagan B, 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.

April 25, Noon Seminar: Luiz Meirelles, Ohio State University, “Precision Dental Medicine for Improved Periodontal Diagnostics Using Intra-Oral Scans,” hosted by Thiago Soares Porto, Galagan B, 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.

May 2, Noon Seminar: Peter Mossey, University of Dundee, Title TBD, hosted by Azeez Butali, Galagan B, 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.

May 5, Dental Alumni Reception in conjunction with IDA Annual Meeting, Cedar Rapids, IA, 4:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.

May 5, Learn about Noma (a bacterial infection that rapidly destroys the soft and hard tissues of the face and mouth) by Mr. Fidel Strub—a Noma survivor, Galagan B, 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.

June 1, Culturally Responsive Health Care Conference, College of Public Health, 8:00 a.m.–1:00 pm.  Co-sponsored by the College of Dentistry. 

September 15-16, Dentistry Alumni Reunion Weekend

Notes and Resources 

Lend a helping hand. Due to medical issues, Holly Bolt has exhausted her sick leave and vacation. If you would like to help Holly by contributing vacation time, please go to the following website: CAT Leave, and click on “Catastrophic Leave Donation Form.”

Filling Station Menu

M-R: 7:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.; F: 7:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

The banner Hawkeye Smile image shows Melika Farshad, an associate in clinic administration and patient care, with Herky.

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