| Dean's Message
As a proud alumnus myself, I know that our alumni are a vital part of the college's efforts to improve oral health care in Iowa. For most Iowans, you are the face of our college and of the dental profession in Iowa. I've had the privilege of meeting with many esteemed alumni at various dental meetings this past weekend, and I am looking forward to reconnecting with more of our alumni at the Iowa Dental Association reception next Friday at the Iowa Dental Association's Annual Session in Des Moines. ~Clark Stanford
 | | Updates for April 22, 2022–April 28, 2022 | | | Michaela Bobenhouse’s orthodontist in Des Moines, Iowa, inspired her to become a dentist. Now, the third-year UI College of Dentistry student looks forward to creating strong connections with her own patients in the Hawkeye State. | | At the annual meeting of the American Association of Endodontists (AAE), John S. Olmsted ('75 DDS) was presented with the Edgar D. Coolidge Award. The award is the AAE's highest honor and it recognizes him as part of an elite group of role models for the entire endodontics profession. Olmsted is a past President of the American Association of Endodontists, and past General Chairperson of the American Dental Association. He has been active in practice, teaching, lecturing, and service on behalf of the endodontics profession for over 40 years.
| | | Sherry Timmons Selected as 2022-2023 Big Ten Academic Leadership Fellow The University of Iowa College of Dentistry is committed to developing academic leaders in oral health and dentistry. Sherry Timmons, associate dean for Student Affairs and clinical associate professor of Oral Pathology, Radiology, and Medicine, was selected as a 2022-2023 Big Ten Academic Leadership Fellow. The fellow program is designed to develop leadership and management skills for talented faculty members, like Timmons, who demonstrate exceptional ability and administrative promise. | | A large contingent of University of Iowa College of Dentistry faculty, students, and alumni attended and presented at the National Oral Health Conference April 11-13 in Fort Worth, TX. Here are some of the highlights. | | | Students at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry are collegial and embody the warmth of the most inviting college town in the country yet with all the opportunities of a Big Ten dental education. | | "Beth rides her bike to work when the weather allows; what a woman! She follows this up by doing yoga over her lunch hour and inviting others to participate. Beth is a cheerleader, for health and hospitality! Her inclusion and invitation to others, combined with her kindness, her even keeled attitude, and down-to-earth business and educational rationale makes her my Wellness Hero. (nominated by Rachael Kowbel) p. 15 | | | With signs of Spring piling up—pelicans migrating through, a bunny visiting Spring-starved dentists, and all those April showers—it won't be long until we get some May flowers. | | Congratulations to Dr. Withanage Congratulations to Dr. Miyuraj Harishchandra Hikkaduwa Withanage who successfully defended his dissertation, “A Novel Machine Learning Framework for Disease-associated Microbiome Interaction Identification.” His mentor is Erliang Zeng. | | | CL Comnick, C Vidal, XJ Xie, Pooling individual samples: Effect on study power, JADA Foundational Science, v 1, 2022.
For biological studies, which are often used in dental and oral health research, researchers often need to group together multiple independent samples to have sufficient physical material for testing. For example, Cristina Vidal was extracting protein from dentin powder. However, a single tooth did not provide enough of the dentin powder for independent samples. This paper outlined the best practice in these circumstances. That is, it is statistically ideal to treat all specimens as independent if possible, but if pooling is unavoidable, as it was in Vidal's project, the authors showed that it is preferable to use independent samples and combine them into the smallest clusters possible. In such cases, the study power was still acceptable (>80%). Therefore, when necessary, pooling can be used to perform experiments without a significant loss of power. | | Iowa Trailblazers: Radiology from 1917-1950s In 1917, a new building was constructed for the College of Dentistry on the corner of Capitol and Market St. The building had more space for patient care, and designated spaces for oral surgery, research, demonstration, and dental care for children. It also had a dedicated X-ray room “supplied with the best apparatus procurable for roentgenology [another name for radiology]…”. The photo shows the X-ray room circa 1950s.
| | Events
April 26, Brian Foster – Ohio State University, "Key Regulators of Periodontal Mineralization: Lessons for Tissue Repair and Regeneration," hosted by Eric Van Otterloo, Galagan B, 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.
April 28, New Dentist Reception at the Iowa Dental Association Annual Session, Iowa Events Center, Des Moines, IA, 5:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
April 29, University of Iowa Alumni Reception at the Iowa Dental Association Annual Session, Iowa Events Center, Des Moines, IA, 4:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.
April 28-29, Business of Dentistry Track at the Iowa Dental Association Annual Session, Iowa Events Center, Des Moines, IA
May 6 and 13, Phase 2 Safe Zone Training, 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.
May 10, Oral Science Graduate Program Celebration, W220A, 4:30 p.m.–6:00 p.m.
May 12, MS Thesis Defense: Manila Shinde, "Evaluation of performance of deep learning algorithms in detecting and diagnosing dental carious lesions using dental intraoral radiographic imaging: a systemic review and meta-analysis," mentored by Trishul Allareddy, N212, 8:00 a.m.
May 31, MS Thesis Defense: Olajide Obe, "Interaction of dental pulp stem cells with bacterial products modulates the protein expression of cathepsin B," mentored by Cristina Vidal, N212, 12:00 p.m.
June 2, Culturally Responsive Health Care Conferences at the University of Iowa, 8:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
Notes and Resources
Scholarship Open to D3s
The Iowa Dental Foundation (IDF) is currently accepting scholarship applications. All dental (D3s), dental hygiene, dental assistant, and dental lab technician students are encouraged to apply. Dental students may receive up to $5,000 and all other dental professional students up to $750. The total number of scholarships awarded and amounts vary each year. For more information or to see past awardees, visit the IDF webpage. Completed applications must be submitted by May 1, 2022.
M-R: 7:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.; F: 7:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m. | |                         | | | |