Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost


TO:                        Deans, Directors and Departmental Executive Officers

FROM:                  Lois J. Geist, Associate Provost for Faculty

DATE:                   October 11, 2022

RE:                        AY 2022-23 Promotion and Tenure Procedures

Over the next few months, departments and colleges will be involved in the process of arriving at recommendations for the awarding of tenure, and for promotions in all academic ranks.  The policies and procedures related to promotion and tenure are provided in the links below.  

In addition to these University procedures, each college will follow its own supplemental written procedures governing tenure and promotion decision making.

The Faculty Promotion Cover Sheet will now be available through the Faculty Admin Center – Faculty Review Application Program (FRAP) in the coming weeks.  The form will automatically populate some of the needed information, but the department and college should populate the votes at each step. The form will route through workflow.  No physical signatures are required on the form, workflow approval will suffice. Please ad hoc the form for additional signatures as appropriate and feel free to reach out to Alaina Hanson if you have any questions about this new process. 

The Office of the Provost requires all promotion dossiers to be submitted electronically, either by giving website access to Alaina Hanson and Lois Geist or by submitting dossiers as a .pdf.  Please prepare the dossier as one bookmarked document, in the order indicated in the various promotion documents (Note: the promotion cover sheet will not need to be included in the dossier documents as it will be routed as noted above).

Candidates must compile and submit substantive material for inclusion in the promotion dossier on or before the date specified in the college’s written policy or in the absence of a specified date, by September 1.  Collegiate recommendations are due in the Office of the Provost no later than February 6, 2023.

Please contact Alaina Hanson or me if you have any questions about the process.