Our collective spaces, equipment, and experience in the classroom can help you implement creative and engaging projects or put on interesting events. If you need help executing an idea or if you want to talk through an idea to determine how the CLCL can help, let us know! | | Reserving CLCL Spaces The CLCL maintains the following spaces for class meetings, projects, events, or presentations!
- PH 17 - CALL Lab - Great for language assessment and collaborative group practice!
- PH 18/18A - Testing Centers - Great for language assessment and practice!
- PH 120 - Lounge - Great for events, presentations, and social gatherings!
These spaces are available to faculty, staff, and student organizations and can be reserved via the CLCL Spaces in Phillips Hall form (posted on our Facilities page). If you have any questions, let Andy Lewis know! | Tutoring The CLCL offers tutoring for students of all languages taught in the Division. Our tutors are highly proficient users and all must complete an online training course that requires tutors to reflect on the following five topics:
- Students' Goals, Interests, and Preferences
- Managing Tutoring Sessions
- Staying in the Target Language
- Prioritizing Learning Output
- The Three Ms for Effective Learning
We highly encourage you to advertise tutoring to your students! Consult your concierge below if you would like a poster added to your ICON courses! | | INTERESTING EVENTS & TOPICS | | Día de los Muertos - Oct. 25  | Digital Storytelling - Nov. 2 & 4  | | Using Memes for Student Engagement FLTMAG recently published Memes in Language Classrooms: From Traditional to AI-Generated by Wenjing Huang, a Chinese teacher at the George School. In this article, Huang writes not only about different ways to use memes to teach grammar, vocabulary, and culture, but also about how to address the creation of level-appropriate memes. Because this creation can be extremely time-consuming, the article suggests ways to use AI to generate these memes, giving you specific instructions and also general tips and tricks.
You can submit your own teaching practices on FLTMAG! This article includes a how-to video and more information! | R I O M E N O R - Oct. 26-28  | | FAIR ENOUGH!
Director Claire Frances works with faculty and staff to support language education throughout the Division. Recently, she has been working with faculty to ensure that websites represent the vision of the department and remain visitor-friendly.
Claire also oversees three concierges who are assigned to a department and have additional special projects. They can help with tech and ICON issues, website updates, and event scheduling, to name a few of our services. Ultimately, we're all here to support you! If you have any questions, you can e-mail your (or just a) concierge at any time! | Jack Doden Departments: Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures, Linguistics Projects: Virtual Reality, Podcasting, CLCL Spaces and Equipment
Andy Lewis Departments: French and Italian, German, International Studies, Translation Projects: Newsletter, Computer Labs, Directed Independent Language Study (DiLS)
Luke Whitaker Departments: Spanish and Portuguese, Latin American Studies Projects: Iowa Intersections | |                         | | | |