Peds Express: News from and for the University of Iowa Stead Family Department of Pediatrics
Peds Express: News from and for the University of Iowa Stead Family Department of Pediatrics

The annual State of the Department Address will be Friday, September 2 from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Dr. Alexander G. Bassuk, Professor and Chair, Stead Family Department of Pediatrics, and Physician-in-Chief, University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital, will provide the annual update on the activities of the Stead Family Department of Pediatrics, achievements over the last year, and discuss initiatives and prospects for the future.

The address this year will be provided in both in-person and remote formats.

DATE: Friday, September 2
TIME: 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.


  • In-person at 2415 JCP, within the 2JCP Stead Family Children's Hospital Conference Center near Elevator F
  • Zoom link, Meeting ID: 978 8950 3137, Passcode: 515718

A limited number of lunches will be provided in 2415 JCP, however they will be available for pick-up at the end of the talk to take as attendees are exiting to eat safely on their own.

HR Corner

Milestone Anniversaries

Congratulations to our providers and staff who reached milestone work anniversaries in August!

  • Dianne McBrien, MD, division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, celebrating 25 years on August 15.
  • Karen Scudiero, division of Gastroenterology, celebrating 15 years on August 20.

Welcome to the Team

Christopher Child, Research Intern, division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, starting on August 15. 

Kyra Watral, Graduate Research Assistant, division of Neonatology, starting on August 15

Jessica Knobbe, Graduate Research Assistant, division of Neonatology, starting on August 15. 

Collin Glazek, Graduate Research Assistant, division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, starting on August 17.

Chloe Lewis, Graduate Research Assistant, division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, starting on August 17.


News and Recognition

Molly Bauer - Dr. Jo Eland Excellence in Pediatric Nursing Award Winner

Congratulations to Molly Bauer, MSN, ARNP, CPNP, AP-PMN, PMGT-BC, CHPPN on receiving the Dr. Jo Eland Excellence in Pediatric Nursing Award sponsored by the American Society for Pain Management Nursing to be presented on September 16, 2022.

Deb Bruene, MA, RN, PMGT-BC said of the recognition, "Dr. Eland was a pioneer in pediatric pain management. I think of our own Molly Bauer as a pioneer in peds pain at UI SFCH as well. Molly worked initially with the peds surgery service as an ARNP ensuring pain was well-managed in the peds surgery patients she cared for. When pediatric pain management was added to the Peds Palliative Care service, Molly was the 1st ARNP. Shortly after starting on the Peds Pain and Palliative Care consult service she recognized the need for patients with complex pain needs to be seen in an ambulatory setting and due to that need initiated our first Pediatric Comprehensive Pain Service. After seeing the impact non-pharmacologic interventions could have on pain management, Molly independently developed skills in integrative therapies including auriculotherapy and aromatherapy. She was instrumental in initiating a Yoga Consult for inpatients. She subsequently initiated a Peds Integrative Therapy Consult. She has been active in many projects, workgroups and committees related to peds pain as well."

Congratulations Molly! For more information on Dr. Jo Eland the work she led: Dr. Jo Eland On Why We Must Relieve Pediatric Pain - YouTube


UI doctors save baby with heart condition

Shortly after first-time moms Kayla and Ashley Garrison's son, Lawson, arrived five weeks early, he started having difficulty breathing and was a bit discolored. Lawson was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of their local hospital in Waterloo. When he became inconsolable following a bath at 3 days old, doctors listened to his chest and thought they possibly heard a murmur. His doctors consulted with pediatric cardiologists at Stead Family Children's Hospital and Lawson was airlifted to Iowa City to be treated by Ian Law, MD. 

Lawson was born with total anomalous pulmonary venous return (TAPVR), a condition in which all four pulmonary veins do not connect properly, causing blood to pump from the lungs to the right atrium rather than to the left.

Ashley Garrison said, "Once we got to Iowa City we were just so impressed by the size and expertise of the team caring for him. Dr. Law diagnosed him immediately. It was a scary rollercoaster of emotions but throughout the process, they all continued to reassure us that everything was going to be OK."

Lawson eventually had surgery to treat his condition and has since received good reports from his doctors. Great work by Dr. Law, the NICU, the PICU, and the entire Pediatric Cardiology team! Click here to read more and for the full story.

Children ages 6 months and older receive their COVID-19 vaccines.

COVID-19 vaccines are now available to children ages 6 months and older. Check out these photos from some of the first children in this younger age group to be vaccinated for COVID-19 with UI Health Care. 

UI Stead Family Children's Hospital Faculty put together this video for the public recommending the COVID-19 vaccine for children.

Old Capitol dome gets shiny facelift

The University of Iowa's most iconic building is getting an upgrade. Work to update the gold leaf began in late May and is entering its final phase. UI Photographer Tim Schoon captured these photos of Old Capitol throughout the summer.

Wellness Updates

Destination for Recreation

As a faculty or staff member, you have the opportunity to earn 50% off a monthly membership fee with Recreational Services on the University of Iowa Campus by participating in the liveWELL Personal Health Assessment (PHA) survey and using campus recreation facilities at least four times per month. 

If you've never used their services before, email and they'll give you 4 FREE visit passes that you can redeem at any of their facilities. For more information about the programs and services, visit their website.

Creativity in the Kitchen

Cooking is an activity that can fill your creative outlet. Many people report getting into a flow state when working in the kitchen, like other hobbies where you simply lose track of time experiencing the joy of preparing your food. Creativity reduces anxiety, depression, and stress, and it can also help you process trauma. Therefore, cooking is so much more than physical nourishment. 



2022 Sarcoma Symposium with Dr. Breelyn Wilky

The 2022 Sarcoma Symposium will take place on Friday, August 12 in the Seebohm Conference Room (EMRB 283) from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Breelyn Wilkey, MD from the University of Colorado Cancer Center is this year's keynote speaker. Click here to register. 

Kids' Day at Kinnick

The University of Iowa football team will host its annual "Kids' at Kinnick" presented by UI Stead Family Children's Hospital on Saturday, August 13, 2022

Admission to the event is free for all fans. Free parking will be available on hard surface lots, while normal ramp fees will be charged. Concession stands will be open. All concession stands are cashless. Only debit or credit cards will be accepted.  Prior to the event, additional information will be released.

Preparing for the Joint Commission

The Joint Commission is an independent non-profit organization that evaluates health care systems on their ability to provide safe and effective care to patients. For health care organizations seeking The Gold Seal of Approval®, the Joint Commission sends a group of surveyors once every three years to perform an unannounced survey of quality and safety standards.

For UI Hospitals and Clinics, a specially trained Joint Commission team of 10-12 surveyors will assess our organization's compliance to Joint Commission's standards during a five-day survey. They will also evaluate our policies and procedures and verify that the care we provide our patients is appropriate. 

A visit from the Joint Commission often prompts the question, "Are we ready for the survey?" While it's a fair question, it can direct attention away from what matters most: our patients. Our protocols and policies are not in place for the Joint Commission, they exist - and we follow them - because it's the right thing to do for our patients and visitors to keep them safe.

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