Advising Information

Welcome to the Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (DWLLC) Newsletter! This newsletter is emailed to all students with majors or minors housed in DWLLC. In these newsletters, you will find a variety of information that will connect you to events, resources, funding, and internships/volunteer opportunities. 

Instructions for Schedule Changes:

  • Through Monday, September 2: This is the easiest time to make changes to your schedule. Drop or add a semester-length course through the MyUI portal. No permissions needed. 
  • Week 2 (through Sept. 9, 2024): If you want to make changes during the second week of classes, the drop and add processes may be initiated on MyUI, but you will need additional permissions. 
    • For adds, you will need to email and receive permission from the instructor/department and primary advisor.  (Being able to add a course is not guaranteed.)
    • For drops, you will need your primary advisor’s permission. Always finalize your registration change on MyUI after all permissions are granted (within 24 hours when adding a course)


  • Drop a semester-length course without a W
  • Add a semester-length course without CLAS approval 
  • Last day to change grading such as audit or P/N
  • Last day to drop a course and receive a reduction in tuition (only applies to students who are NOT taking 12-18 sh)

After Sept. 9: You may still drop a semester-length course with a “W” until Nov. 18. 

Off-cycle: If your course does not meet for the full semester, it may have adjusted deadlines. You can add off-cycle courses up until the day before the course starts without permissions.

Student Engagement Fair

  • Date: Wednesday, September 4th, 2024
  • Time: 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
  • Location: Hubbard Park
Why join a student organization?
  • Meet friends with similar, or differing, interests
  • Learn about new activities and ways of thinking
  • Participate in cultural, sports, political, or entertainment activities
  • Run for positions in the organization
  • Build skills and your resume
On the day of the event
  • Think about what might interest you, and what might challenge you to Excel, Stretch, Choose, Engage, or Serve (the Iowa Challenge)
  • Can't make it? That's okay! Set up an advising appointment to learn more about how you can engage during your time at Iowa. 

Translate Iowa Project

The Translate Iowa Project is an organization dedicated to making the University of Iowa and Iowa City more accessible to those who don’t speak English and to celebrating the linguistic diversity here. As part of that goal, we publish Boundless, an undergraduate literary magazine of translation, and host the Translate-a-thon, where we translate for students and nonprofits. 

Creators—we accept works of all genres, whether it’s fiction, drama, nonfiction, poetry, or art/photography (Yes! We will translate art/photography!). You can find our guidelines and submit here by Sunday, October 22nd, 2024. Your work will be published in its original languagealongside translations into languages such as Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, French, Japanese, and Arabic! Your work is translated by your peers and reviewed by professors to ensure those translations are of high quality. 

Translators—no previous translation knowledge is required, and we do not expect language fluency. We will cover the basics of translation during meetings, and there will likely be others who translate in your languages to help you. You will also, over the course of the year, have three meetings with a professor who is fluent in your translation language to guide you. We accept translators of all languages—the more, the merrier! Our meetings are 1:00pm-2:00pm every Sunday in the Center of Language and Culture Learning (CLCL) in Phillips Hall. We hope you visit us!


Study Abroad Info

Education Pre-Majors

If you are interested in applying for the College of Education to become a teacher, please consider attending any ONE of these information sessions that will go over the application process, most people apply in February of sophomore year or September of junior year:

Tuesday, September 3, 2024  5-6 p.m. N116 Lindquist Center

Tuesday, October 1, 2024   5-6 p.m. N116 Lindquist Center 

Tuesday, November 5, 2024  5-6 p.m. N116 Lindquist Center 

Industry Insights - Helping & Counseling Careers

Industry Insights is a new webinar series of employer panels hosted by the Pomerantz Career Center aimed at providing UIowa students, staff, and faculty with valuable perspectives on various industries. Designed to help bridge the gap between academic learning and real-world industry experience, these webinars will feature the expertise of employer partners as they provide invaluable industry insights to attendees, helping you to understand the current trends, challenges, and opportunities in the field. Our first Industry Insights webinar will feature employers who represent our Helping & Counseling career community.

This event includes an optional networking breakout session for students!

Learn more and register here

  • When: Tuesday, September 10, 2024 3:00pm to 4:00pm
  • Where: Virtual Event

Payne Fellowship Program Webinars - Fall 2024

Unique Way to become a USAID Foreign Service Officer (FSO)

The USAID Donald M. Payne International Development Graduate Fellowship Program seeks to attract outstanding individuals who are interested in pursuing careers in the Foreign Service of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). If you want to work on the front lines of some of the most pressing global challenges of our times — poverty, hunger, injustice, disease, environmental degradation, climate change, conflict and violent extremism – the Foreign Service of the U.S. Agency for International Development provides an opportunity to advance U.S. foreign policy interests and reflect the American people's compassion and support of human dignity.).

Check it out to see if it would be a good option for you: and attend an info session to learn more.

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