College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics

Office Sign with Dean Stanford and His Assistant Clover Rohe

Clark Stanford begins as the 14th Dean of the UI College of Dentistry

On April 1, Clark Stanford returned to his alma mater to become the 14th dean of the University of Iowa College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics. He holds the Edwin Green Chair in Dental Leadership, and most recently served as dean of the College of Dentistry at the University of Illinois Chicago. Please welcome Dean Stanford to the college!

Ariene Leme-Kraus and Erica Teixeira

Iowa Dentistry Faculty Receive Industry Grant for Restorative Dental Materials Research

A German Pharmaceutical company awarded Ariene Leme-Kraus and Erica Teixeira a $10,000 grant for their project investigating the effectiveness of a newly developed glass-ionomer dental material. In particular, the project will evaluate whether this novel dental material can effectively be used to treat root tooth decay.

Presenters from Iowa and elsewhere at the AADOCR Annual Meeting

AADOCR Meeting Success!

The 2022 American Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research Annual Meeting was held last week in a hybrid, in-person and virtual, format. Numerous Iowa faculty, staff, students, and alumni attended the event in-person or virtually. Five dental students from Iowa—Frank Boksa, Allana Bram, Luke Hovey, Sydney Woods, and Shao Yang Zhang—received AADOCR Bloc Travel Grants for their presentations, and Frank Boksa's presentation, "Salivary immune signature of SARS-nCoV2 infection," was highlighted in a press release from AADOCR. The photo shows National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research director Rena D'Souza after a presentation with numerous Iowa presenters. Participants in the conference appreciated the opportunity to present research and connect (and reconnect) in-person with excellent scientists around the world.   

Iowa football player running with a mouth guard showing

Kanellis and Stuntz Discuss The Dental Danger of Sports

Iowa City High School junior Max Berry-Stoelzle interviewed Mike Kanellis, professor and dean of clinics, and Ryan Stuntz ('05 DDS), a dentist in Farley, IA, about the risk of damage to teeth via sports and their experiences treating patients with such injuries. Mouthguards are an extremely effective way to protect mouth and teeth in sports. In the article, Kanellis discussed how protective equipment has improved, and Stuntz discussed the long-term dental risk and financial costs of these injuries. The article was published in Cedar Rapids Gazette

A screen shot of the University of Iowa College of Dentistry's Instagram Profile Page

Follow the College of Dentistry on Instagram

Earlier this week, the College of Dentistry started a new Instagram account. Follow it from your Instagram account to receive updates! 

Sara Ostrander

The College of Dentistry Welcomes Sara Ostrander

Sara Ostrander has joined the College of Dentistry and the Dental Business Office as a Support Services Specialist. Sara currently lives in Riverside with her husband and three dogs. They enjoy spending time with friends and family, camping, and on the water. They enjoy watching the Hawkeyes, especially wrestling, and they had season tickets for the first time this last season. Sara graduated from Mount Mercy in 2018 where she played softball. "I’m excited to be apart of this awesome team," she said, "Dr Kanellis has said nothing but amazing things about working here. I can’t wait to meet everyone and look forward to all the opportunities from working here! Go Hawks!"


Toia CC, Teixeira FB, Cucco C, Valera MC, Cavalcanti BN. Volumetric Evaluation of Voids and Gaps of Different Calcium-Silicate Based Materials Used in Furcal Perforations: A Micro-CT Study. Dent J (Basel). 2022 Mar 9;10(3):41. doi: 10.3390/dj10030041. PMID: 35323243; PMCID: PMC8947349.

Jiang L, Krongbaramee T, Lin X, Zhu M, Zhu Y, Hong L. microRNA-126 inhibits vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and interleukin-1beta in human dental pulp cells. J Clin Lab Anal. 2022 Mar 25:e24371. doi: 10.1002/jcla.24371. PMID: 35334501.

Alade A, Ismail W, Nair R, Schweizer M, Awotoye W, Oladayo A, Ryckman K, Butali A. Periconceptional use of vitamin A and the risk of giving birth to a child with nonsyndromic orofacial clefts-A meta-analysis. Birth Defects Res. 2022 Mar 31. doi: 10.1002/bdr2.2005. PMID: 35357092.
Van Otterloo E, Milanda I, Pike H, Thompson JA, Li H, Jones KL, Williams T. AP-2α and AP-2β cooperatively function in the craniofacial surface ectoderm to regulate chromatin and gene expression dynamics during facial development. Elife. 2022 Mar 25;11:e70511. doi: 10.7554/eLife.70511. PMID: 35333176.
Speranza Zabeu G, Candia Scaffa PM, Ciccone Giacomini M, de Mattos Pimenta Vidal C, Tjäderhane L, Wang L. Gelatinolytic activity after dentin pretreatment with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) combined to dental bonding systems: Perspectives for biological responses. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2022 Mar 23;130:105188. doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2022.105188. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35344756.
Khan IN, Gibson-Corley KN, Coppock JD, Simons AL. Comparison of Interleukin-1 Ligand Expression by Human Papilloma Virus Status in HNSCCs. Head Neck Pathol. 2022 Mar 25. doi: 10.1007/s12105-022-01440-x. PMID: 35334093.

April 1, MS Thesis Defense: Maria Martinez, "A Retrospective Study On Natural Teeth Survival, Adjacent to Straumann Implants," mentored by Salahaldeen Abuhammound, via Zoom, 12:00 p.m.

April 4, Ph.D. Thesis Defense: Waheed Awotoye, "Contribution of genetic variants to orofacial clefts in African populations," mentored by Azeez Butali, N212 and via Zoom, 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.

April 5, MS Thesis Defense: Abimbola Oladayo, "Predictors of Complete Edentulism in Older Adults in the United States using the  2020 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Data," mentored by John Warren, N212 and via Zoom, 3:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

April 6, Seminar: Catherine Hayes (UMass), "The Impact of Public Insurance on the Dental Care Delivery System," hosted by Steve Levy, W220A/B, 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.

April 8, CE Live Distance Course: Evidence-Based Dentistry and Treatment Planning for the Practicing Dentist, 8:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m.

April 12, MS Thesis Defense: Olajide Obe, "Interaction of dental pulp stem cells with bacterial products modulates the protein expression of cathepsin B," mentored by Cristina Vidal, W220B, 12:00 p.m.

April 14, University District Dental Society Spring Business Meeting, Dental Prosthetic Services, Cedar Rapids, IA, 6:00 p.m.

April 14, MS Thesis Defense: Danubio Blen, "Why do dental students choose a specific state to work or to specialize on," mentored by Terry Lindquist, via Zoom, 12:00 p.m.

April 18 and April 25, Phase 1 Safe Zone Training, 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.

April 19, German Immigration to the United States: The History and Heritage of Iowa's Role in the Suppression of German-Americanism," 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.

April 28, New Dentist Reception at the Iowa Dental Association Annual Session, Iowa Events Center, Des Moines, IA, 5:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m.

April 29, University of Iowa Alumni Reception at the Iowa Dental Association Annual Session, Iowa Events Center, Des Moines, IA, 4:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m.

April 28­-29, Business of Dentistry Track at the Iowa Dental Association Annual Session, Iowa Events Center, Des Moines, IA

May 6 and 13, Phase 2 Safe Zone Training, 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.

May 31, MS Thesis Defense: Olajide Obe, "Interaction of dental pulp stem cells with bacterial products modulates the protein expression of cathepsin B," mentored by Cristina Vidal, N212, 12:00 p.m.

June 2, Culturally Responsive Health Care Conferences at the University of Iowa, 8:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.

Pre-doctoral students (DDS/DMD candidates) and Master’s students (2 or 3 year programs) who wish to undertake novel Cariology research are invited to apply for the new Student Research Award sponsored by the American Academy of Cariology (AAC). The application opened on February 9, 2022, and closes on April 15, 2022. More details are available on the American Academy of Cariology website.

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M-R: 7:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.; F: 7:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m

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