Network News & Notes - June 2020
At the University of Iowa College of Public Health, we understand that our work is very place based; it happens out in the "real world" where people live and work. We also recognize the mutual benefits that might come about through collaborative relationships with communities and businesses around the state. As individuals and businesses continue to adapt and respond to the COVID-19 outbreak, the University of Iowa College of Public Health and the Business Leadership Network can be a resource for information and mutual support. We invite you to keep in touch with us through these quarterly messages and through our initiatives around the state.
Edith Parker, Dean University of Iowa College of Public Health
A new UI website developed by public health researchers tracking the COVID-19 pandemic provides an interactive tool to model the effects various mitigation measures could have on the future course of the disease in Iowa. The tool is a free public service to state and local policymakers, business leaders, and others.
The UI Healthier Workforce Center of the Midwest has created a guide and a webinar recording for employers to learn more about best practices and resources to support employee well-being, address remote and essential worker hazards, and plan for return-to-work strategies during the pandemic.
The Resuming Business Toolkit is designed to assist employers in slowing the spread of COVID-19 and lowering the impact in their workplace when reintegrating employees into non-healthcare business settings. Not sure whether you’re ready to resume business? Use CDC’s decision tools as a start.
In this webinar University of Iowa College of Public Health faculty answer questions about how arts organizations might invite patrons back into their facilities while keeping them as well as staff members and artists safe.
Mask of Wellness is an Iowa-based movement to promote ‘Covid-Conscious’ businesses through three simple practices: masks, hygiene, and health. Access more information, a searchable business directory, and a free downloadable Mask of Wellness kit to promote your business today.
Anti-racist education and action are essential if we are to achieve a just society and health equity. Here are some resources to offer a starting point to explore, learn, and find support.
College of Public Health in the News
New research from CPH professor George Wehby and research associate Wei Lyu suggests state government orders mandating the use of face masks may have had significant impact in slowing the spread of COVID-19 in the US.
Engineers at the University of Iowa and the University of Notre Dame are collaborating with the College of Public Health to develop personal protective equipment that captures and kills viral pathogens, thereby improving performance and reusability.
CPH doctoral student Anne Abbott has been working with Iowa parks and trail groups to spread the word about social distancing outside.
The UI Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health offers COVID-19-related materials and resources for agricultural workers continuing operations during the outbreak.