Office of the Registrar, Classroom Scheduling

Fall 2021 Final Exam Schedule: Faculty Review Period

This message is intended for those faculty and departments offering fall 2021 courses with a final examination scheduled by the Office of the Registrar. If you are with a professional college that does not follow the final exam schedule set by the Office of the Registrar, please disregard this message.

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The tentative final exam schedule for fall 2021 has been created and the faculty review opportunity is now open.

The review opportunity allows primary instructors the ability to indicate to our office if:

  1. A date, time and/or university classroom assigned for a course section is no longer needed; or
  2. A date, time and/or university classroom assignment has not been requested for a course section which needs one.

Unofficial Schedules

Primary instructors may access their unofficial individual final exam schedule online through MAUI. Instructions for doing so are located on the Office of the Registrar’s website, if needed.

Unofficial final exam assignments are now available to department administrators using the “Final Exam Assignments” application accessed online through MAUI using the “Offerings Planner” menu.

Deadline to Submit Change Requests

Primary instructors and department administrators have until Wednesday, September 15, 2021, at 4:30 p.m. to request changes. Please use the Final Exam Assignment Change Request Form, which can be accessed as follows:

Final Exam Assignment Change Request Form

Instructors can access the form from their individual final exam schedule page in MAUI and department administrators can access the form through MAUI from the “Final Exam Assignments” application in the Offerings Planner menu.

The form is also available here: Final Exam Assignment Change Request Form

Use of Proctorio

Please note: Beginning fall 2021, Proctorio use will be limited to (1) Distance and Online Education course offerings with a DOE Distance Course (EX*) management type and (2) online lecture sections without a face-to-face discussion component. If you have any questions related to Proctorio, please contact Distance and Online Education at

Conflict Minimization and Availability of Resources

Please note that the Office of the Registrar has made every reasonable effort to grant instructors’ final exam assignment request needs. There are situations, however, where we were unable to grant requests due to excessive student conflicts and/or the availability of University Classrooms. 

We will accommodate new requests as conflict minimization and available University Classroom resources allow. Instructors should not announce any final exam assignments until after publication of the official schedule as all assignments are subject to change prior to this time. 

Unneeded Exam Assignments

Instructors who have been assigned unneeded final exam resources should be sure to release them for the possible use of other faculty members’ exam needs. Please use the change request form to release these exam assignments.

Late Requests

Requests made after publication of the official schedule will require written approval from the Chair/DEO and the Dean of the department responsible for the course. All requests must include the curricular justification for the late change, addition, or release. Please note that course sections granted final exam assignments after publication of the schedule are responsible for administering makeup final exams regardless of exam precedence rules.

Official Schedules

The official final exam schedule for Fall 2021 will be published online on the Office of the Registrar’s website on approximately Monday, September 20, 2021. Final exam schedules will be available to students via MyUI on this date. Official final exam schedules will include the identification of qualified student exam conflicts, if applicable.

Seating Layout Plans

University classrooms with a seating capacity of 100 or more include seat and row number identifications. Seating layout plans for these rooms are available online to assist faculty as they make their exam arrangements.

Policies and Additional Information

The final examination schedule, examination policies, and additional informational resources may be found on the Office of the Registrar’s website.


If you have any questions or concerns, please email

Thank you!

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