| Dean's Message
Next week is International Education Week. This week is an opportunity for our college to celebrate international education and exchange as we prepare our faculty, staff, residents, graduate students, and dental students to be citizens of a global oral health community. International education and exchange have become a major strength of the college. We have a track record of bringing in some of the best faculty and students from around the world, conducting collaborative and innovative research and discovery in an international context, and sending graduates all around the world to teach and practice in their local communities. This global and international dimension makes us all better, and it is essential that we continually create an environment where each person feels welcomed and valued as vital parts of our community. To that end, the college is hosting a potluck on Monday, November 14 from 11:30–1:30 p.m. in W220 A/B. Please join us then, and bring a part of who you are to share with others. Whether you were born in raised in Iowa or abroad, food is an excellent way to reveal part of who you are while sharing it with others. ~Clark Stanford
 | | Updates for November 11, 2022–November 17, 2022 | | | Jo Anne Rummelhart ('81 DDS) served 10 years in the United States Navy and was recognized as the Navy’s first female periodontist. In 2022, Rummelhart established the Dr. Jo Rummelhart Veteran Appreciation Fund to provide sustainable, private financial assistance for fellow United States Veterans receiving care at the UI College of Dentistry. This fund will provide access to care for veterans, and support the College of Dentistry's on-going efforts to meet the needs of this underserved population. | | | The Iowa Mission of Mercy was held this past weekend, November 4 and 5, in Des Moines. Over the weekend, the dentists and dental staff saw 1,083 patients, completing 6,732 procedures, which amounted to $1,013,563.44 worth of care. Over 100 students, several residents, and over 20 faculty and staff turned out to support the free clinics. | | Fabricio Teixeira, professor and chair of endodontics, was elected as secretary for the International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT). The IADT is focused on promoting optimal prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up services in the field of traumatic dental injuries, and it is the world's foremost professional organization in the field of dental trauma. | | | The 2022 American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) held its 108th Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona from October 27 to October 30. The University of Iowa Department of Periodontics had excellent participation with numerous invited speakers and recognitions. | | ADEA Fall Dean's Meeting The 2022 Fall meeting of the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) Council of Deans met in Phoenix, AZ this past week (November 4–November 8). This group includes the deans of all US and Canadian dental schools and colleges. Dean Stanford ran the meeting as they discussed wellness for the leadership team. | | | Writing contest deadline on Sunday, Nov. 13 The submission deadline for the College of Dentistry Creative Writing Contest will be here soon on November 13, 2022. Proctor and Gamble graciously provided two electric toothbrushes as prizes for the writing contest. More details are available on the full flyer. Submissions may be made at any time before the submission deadline of November 13, 2022. Questions, comments, or submissions can be sent via email to Michael Tilley or Kate Newcomb. | | The College of Dentistry welcomes Taylor Edwards Taylor Edwards joined the collegiate business office as a support service representative. Taylor was born and raised in Riverside, where she still resides. Before coming to the college, she worked at UIHC for four yeas in the patient billing department. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family, watching television, and reading. Taylor said, "I have a patient-centered focus and I’m excited to learn more about the great things happening in the College of Dentistry." | | | From very early on, Iowa Dentistry has always had a reputation as intramural juggernauts. 2022 was no exception to this trend with flag football and sand volleyball teams winning championships, and soccer and flag football teams taking their place as runner ups. Photos of these teams are on the College of Dentistry website. | | Support dental care for veterans Each day until Veterans Day next Friday, the Tau Sigma Military Dental Club is collecting donations for the the College of Dentistry’s Veterans Fund—a fund that offsets the cost of necessary dental care for low-income veterans. When a donation of $10 or more is given via cash or check, the giver will receive a Red Poppy Pin, a symbol that emerged out of World War I of hope for peace and armistice, and a reminder of the service and sacrifice of the armed forces in conflict. 100% of each donation goes directly to dental care for veterans in need. You can also donate online via the College of Dentistry Patient Assistance Fund (please specify under Gift Instructions that you want your donation to go towards the veterans fund) OR to the newly established Dr. Jo Rummelhart Veteran Appreciation Fund. These funds will be available starting in Fall 2023 and will apply to veteran care in any clinic at the dental college. | | Events
November 11, Fall 2022 Interview Day for Prospective DDS Students
November 11, CE Course: A Full Day Endodontic Experience
November 12, Tooth Fairy Storytime at the Iowa City Public Library, hosted by the AAWD, 10:30–11:00 p.m.
November 12, Pregame Professional Program (Wisconsin)
November 13, Extended Deadline: Last Day for Submissions for the College of Dentistry Creative Writing Contest, submit via email to Michael Tilley or Kate Newcomb.
November 15, Pedro Sanchez, "Solving Rare Genetic Diseases, One Mutation at a Time: instructive examples from the clinic,” hosted by Shankar Rengasamy Venugopalan, Galagan B, 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.
November 16, Virtual Fall 2022 Interview Day for Prospective DDS Students
December 2, Oral Science PhD Defense: Jennifer Sukalski, "Peceived Social Status and Oral Health Outcomes: A New Determinant of Health?", mentored by Susan McKernan, N212 and via Zoom, 9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m.
Notes and Resources
M-R: 7:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.; F: 7:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Week Hours: M-T: 7:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m.; W: 7:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m.; CLOSED Thursday and Friday
The banner Hawkeye Smile image shows Herky with Austen Hawthorne, the revenue cycle manager in the dental business office. | |                         | | | |