| Dean's Message
November 11 is Veterans Day, a day set aside to honor those who have served in the armed forces. The college has a long and storied history of graduating dentists who serve in the U.S. armed forces, which continues today. We are also committed to ensuring that veterans receive the dental care they need after they serve. Whether it is working with organizations like Everyone for Veterans, providing free prosthodontic care to veterans, or establishing—with support from you—the Dr. Jo Rummelhart Veterans Appreciation Fund, we are trying to do our part to ensure access to care for veterans. Thank you to our veterans, thank you for making a difference in the lives of our veterans, and please look below for opportunities to further support our veterans at the college. ~Clark Stanford | | Updates for November 10, 2023–November 16, 2023 Veteran's Day Edition | | | From our career-retired military dentists who spend the second half of their career teaching at Iowa to our veteran students, from our esteemed alumni who carry on the Iowa legacy throughout their military careers to our veteran patients who wouldn’t have access to dental care without our college, Iowa Dentistry is committed to those who have served in the United States armed forces. | | Zach Graham feels an obligation to serve others. That helps explain why Graham, a third-year student in dental surgery in the University of Iowa College of Dentistry and an Army Veteran, has been named a 2023 Pat Tillman scholar. | | | You can help Iowa Dentistry give United States Veterans access to sustainable, private financial assistance for dental care at UI Dental Clinics by supporting the Dr. Jo Rummelhart Veteran Appreciation Fund. Your support helps meet the oral health needs of United States Veterans. | | | Ron Ettinger, professor emeritus of prosthodontics; Leo Marchini, professor and head of preventive and community dentistry; and Chris Childs, a Hardin librarian who serves as the dentistry liaison, were co-authors of the paper, "Are Root-Supported Overdentures Still an Alternative to Implant-Supported Overdentures? A Scoping Review." The Journal of Prosthodontics, the journal in which their paper was published, selected this paper as the award winner for excellence in systematic reviews. These awards are designed to recognize outstanding scientific merit. The award decision was made by the Journal of Prosthodontics Awards Committee, led by Associate Editor-in-Chief, Sharon Siegel), and selected by the Editor-in-Chief, Radi Masri.
| | Iowa Dentistry at the Annual Session of the ACP Salah Abuhammoud, assistant professor of prosthodontics, and Jackie Yeh, a third-year dental student, presented papers at the 2023 Annual Session of the American College of Prosthodontics (ACP), which was held October 25-28 in San Diego, CA. Abuhammoud's lecture, "Innovations in Dental Implants Education," was part of the joint educator conference. Yeh, a researcher in the Dental Student Research Program, also presented her project, "Fracture resistance of chair side CAD/CAM veneers fabricated with Pre-and Fully Crystalized Lithium Disilicate ceramics." Yeh's mentors are Abuhammoud and Carlos Jurado, clinical associate professor of prosthodontics. Of the 130 presentations at the conference, Yeh's was one of only 6 presented by pre-doctoral dental students. Anvita Maharishi, assistant professor in family dentistry, also attended and presented at the conference on "Strength & Translucency of Lithium Disilicate Glass-Based Ceramic CAD/CAM Blocks" and participated in a career path panel for resident and new prosthodontists. Several other Iowa representatives attended the meeting as well. | | | Russell Irvine has been a patient at the University of Iowa Dental Clinics for over 50 years and is a 27-year military veteran. After his service ended, Russell got involved in the Golf For Injured Veterans Everywhere Foundation, an organization that helps veterans deal with injuries or disabilities from their time in the service. Learn more about Russell's story. | | Each year, the Department of Prosthodontics provides a new set of dentures for free to Veterans. In 2021, Allen, who served during the Vietnam war, was one such patient. In 2012, Allen had his teeth pulled, and he had not been able to eat anything except soft foods from 2012-2021. The dentures were the first ones Allen has ever had, and they made a big difference in the quality of his life. “I am so happy about the dentures,” Allen exclaimed. “Although I’ve obviously not had any problems eating,” he said with a big laugh while patting his stomach, “I am really looking forward to eating apples and a steak!” | | | Bowers RD, Hogden CT, Bartholomew OC, Qian F, Howe BJ. Survey investigation of articaine use in the United States. J Am Dent Assoc. 2023 Oct 1:S0002-8177(23)00484-1. doi: 10.1016/j.adaj.2023.08.005. PMID: 37777935.
Local anesthesia is an essential component of dentistry, but there are few studies on what techniques and local anesthesia practicing dentists use. Use of the local anesthetic articaine has been highly debated in dentistry regarding its efficacy and risks for paresthesia. This study conducted a large-scale survey regarding the local anesthesia practices of dentists in the United States, identifying what factors may influence a decision to use articaine. The team found that most dentists reported using articaine as their primary local anesthetic. Stanley Malamed, a dentist anesthesiologist and emeritus professor of dentistry at the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC, who is one of the foremost thought leaders and experts on dental local anesthesia highlighted and praised this study in a Practice Update where he noted that, in his opinion, articaine is the "safest of all the currently used and already extremely safe dental [local anesthetics]." He speculated, based on this study, that improving and standardizing knowledge and understanding of local anesthetics in dental schools would go a long way toward connecting local anesthetic practices with the best available scientific evidence. | | The War Memorial is one of the most prominent features in the Iowa Memorial Union (IMU). It is easy to forget its significance, but it was the entire point of the original building. James Weaver at the dedication of the building in 1926 said, "And if this magnificent structure is to fulfill the dreams out of which it has arisen it can only do so by stirring the impulses of the young men and women of Iowa to lives of service to mankind." The main memorial display is located on the first floor and honors all UI students and alumni who died during U.S. armed conflicts. Located in the Hubbard Commons, a glass case encloses American and Iowan flags, with plaques listing the names of students and alumni who died during World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam. The names of the fallen are also listed in a digital honor roll by conflict. | | Events
November 10, Endodontics CE Course, "Pursuing Excellence in Endodontics" Presented by Dr. Antonio Berto
November 11, Pregame Professional Program: "CPC: Interesting Cases with Therapeutic Management" Presented By Drs. Nidhi Handoo & Amy Dunleavy
November 14, Research Seminar, Jamie Nichols, School of Dental Medicine, University of Colorado–AMC, "Buffering craniofacial variation," hosted by Eric Van Otterloo, Galagan B, 12:00–1:00 p.m.
November 15, Virtual Prospective DDS Student Interview Day
November 17, Live Distance CE Course (Virtual): "What’s the risk?: Understanding Medically Complex Patients in your practice” Presented by Drs. Howard Cowen and Jennifer Hartshorn
November 18, Pregame Professional Program: “Autoimmune Conditions” Presented By Dr. John Hellstein “Guided Implant Restorations” Presented by Dr. Greg Farris
November 30, Research Seminar, Ronald Strauss, Adams School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina, "Blessings in Disguise: Finding Wisdom from Facial Difference", hosted by Steve Levy, Galagan B, 12:00–1:00 p.m.
Notes and Resources
Hours: M-R: 7:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.; F: 7:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
The Hawkeye Smile banner image shows two first-year dental students, Ann Luo and Katie McAllister, at the Dental Public Health booth of the Bone Dash 5K. | |                               | | | |