You are receiving this message because we have a fall 2021 RSVP "Attending" on file for you. If you are not planning on graduating or attending commencement this fall, you can disregard this message. Please feel free to share this information with guests who may attend.
Join us in celebrating you and all the accomplishments of the University of Iowa's Class of 2021 at fall commencement!
All majors from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and University College will be recognized.
No tickets are required. Doors to the arena will open at 8 a.m. and the ceremony is expected to last around two hours.
Face masks are strongly encouraged at the ceremony. Hand sanitizing stations and additional face masks will be available on the concourse and by the stage.
There is now a clear bag policy at Carver-Hawkeye Arena. Everyone will be asked to open their coats or graduation gown for visual inspection.
Please see Carver-Hawkeye arena commencement policies for details.