NCURA Live Webinar: Navigating Post-Award Allowability

NCURA Live Webinar: Navigating Post-Award Allowability 

March 5, 2025
1-2:30 p.m. CT * Webinar
2:35 – 3:30 pm CT * After the Show * Talk with the Faculty Directly

Navigating the complexities of post-award grant management can be challenging for both grant recipients and administrators. This webinar will provide a clear understanding of post-award allowability requirements, ensuring compliance with federal, state, and non-governmental funding policies while maximizing the impact of grant funds.

This session is ideal for grant managers, administrators, compliance officers, and finance staff seeking to deepen their understanding of post-award allowability and ensure funds are used effectively within regulatory guidelines.

Learning Objectives

  • Define Allowable Costs: Learn what expenses are considered allowable and how to properly categorize them based on the grant’s terms and conditions.
  • Review Key Regulatory Frameworks: Gain insight into OMB Uniform Guidance (2 CFR Part 200) and other regulations governing cost allowability for federal, state, and non-governmental awards.
  • Explore Real-World Examples: Examine common challenges and practical scenarios grant recipients face when determining allowability and maintaining compliance.

Format of webinar: 90-minute presentation, followed by 55 minutes of discussion.


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This link may only be used by UI employees.

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The University of Iowa