UI CONnection – Spring 2021
Dear friends,
As I write this note I have to reflect back on a year of challenges. For those alumni and friends who have lost a family member, colleague or friend to COVID-19, we grieve with you. Many of you have shared your stories with us and I am incredibly proud of all that you have accomplished. Our students and faculty are volunteering to provide vaccines, not only in Iowa City, but the surrounding counties. Faculty have adapted their teaching to ensure that students continue to receive the outstanding education that sets an Iowa nurse apart. And our clinical partners are providing exceptional opportunities for our students to gain the knowledge and skills they need as they get ready to graduate. Thank you for your continued support of the College of Nursing.
Go Hawks!
Julie Zerwic, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN Kelting Dean and Professor
$8M Helmsley Charitable Trust grant to College of Nursing will create mobile program that delivers simulation education to health care professionals
Clinical Professor Maria (Lindell) Joseph, PhD, RN, FAAN, has been selected as a Fellow of the American Organization for Nursing Leadership.
This winter, a staggering number of U.S. health care facilities experienced a dramatic surge in COVID-19 patients. UIHC was no exception. As the hospital’s capacity was stretched, administrators reassigned several certified registered nurse anesthetists, many of which are graduates of the college’s anesthesia nursing program, to help staff its ICUs.
When it comes to providing access to mental health services, Iowa ranks as one of the worst states in the country. UI nursing students Grace Anderson and Hannah Ingle wanted to help change that with a proposal that would provide Iowa K–12 students three no-questions-asked mental health days off every school year.
The college is excited to announce three alumni award recipients for 2020! This awards program, which includes components for Distinguished Alumni Award as well as Outstanding Young Alumni Award recipients, was established as a way to recognize former students for their hard work and dedication to nursing and health care.
More than a decade ago, Murtis and Andrew Smith created a scholarship to support University of Iowa nursing students. Their daughter, Karen Smith, also is giving back to support future students.
Death notices for UI College of Nursing alumni. Links to online obituaries provided when available.