Student Impact Grants
The University of Iowa Office of the President and the University of Iowa Student Advancement Network (SAN) have partnered to create Student Impact Grants, which provide funding for a variety of undergraduate and graduate student activities outside of the classroom, such as research, travel, and service projects. The goal is to enable students to pursue opportunities that might not otherwise be possible without financial assistance.
Applications will be considered for funding to be used during the winter and spring 2023 semesters. Students or student organizations wishing to apply should use the student support request form. A maximum of $7,000 in total grants will be awarded. Grant amounts will range from $100-$1,000 awards
- August 29 – Application opens
- September 30 – Application deadline (5 p.m.)
- November 16 – Grant recipients will be notified for funding requests for winter for spring 2023 semesters.
Learn more and apply - | | Internships with Iowa City Foreign Relations Council | Iowa City Foreign Relations Council (ICFRC) is seeking some excellent, qualified university student interns who are interested in international affairs and who are committed to ICFRC's mission to promote international understanding and cooperation through high quality international programs, relationship-building, community outreach and engagement. We are especially seeking interns with expertise and experience in videography, social media and communications, and community outreach and engagement.
Several of these internships provide honorarium each semester and require about 5-7 hours/week during the academic year. ICFRC interns receive professional development opportunities including leadership, mentoring and training, networking and career advice. Each intern will have an individualized development plan along with group support. Interns meet regularly in-person or via Zoom, usually biweekly, during the academic year. During Fall 2022, ICFRC's programs will be carried through a mix of in-person and online depending on the external health situation. More info here | | Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Information Sessions | Please join International Programs for one of several information sessions to discuss the process of applying for a Gilman Scholarship and learn how you could receive up to $5,000 to study abroad! Applications are now being accepted for spring, summer, and fall 2023.
The Gilman Scholarship program is an undergraduate grant program for U.S. citizens of limited financial means to enable them to study abroad and better prepare them to thrive in the global economy. Scholarships are awarded to U.S. citizen undergraduates who receive the Federal Pell Grant and are pursuing academic, credit-bearing, study abroad programs. The Gilman Scholarship aims to support those who have been underrepresented in study abroad as well as encourage students to choose nontraditional study locations.
Staff will introduce you to the Gilman, coach you on how to fill out the application, and give you insight as to what the scholarship reviewers are looking for in an applicant.
Gilman Scholarship information sessions will be offered in a virtual format. Click on the session you'd like to attend to be redirected to the Zoom meeting during its scheduled time.
Upcoming info sessions
Application Submission Deadline: Thursday, October 6, 2022, 11:59 pm Pacific Time zone
For more information visit: | | Internships with Global Ties Iowa | Global Ties Iowa are currently hiring for the following internships to start Fall 2022! These are semester-long internships with the opportunity to receive a $500 stipend after an evaluation halfway and another $500 after the completion of a successful internship. Our internships require a 10 hour per-week commitment.
Social Media and Storytelling Intern
Membership and Development Intern
Interns play a critical role in the success of Global Ties Iowa's mission. Internships permit students to work in a professional setting, contribute in significant ways to the operations of a non-profit organization, enhance their global cultural competency, and develop and implement projects that may be used to demonstrate work experience to potential employers.
Global Ties Iowa interns have gone on to attend graduate and professional schools, secure overseas State Department internships, work at area non-profit organizations (e.g., Peace Corps, March of Dimes, Domestic Violence Intervention Program) in a leadership capacity, and for national organizations, such as the Atlantic Council.
To apply, please send a current resume or CV and a letter of interest to Amy Alice Chastain, at and cc Letters of interest should include why you are interested in a Global Ties Iowa internship, the specific internship you are seeking, your year and major, and your availability. We will continue to accept applications until both positions are filled.
Join our mailing list for more internship and job opportunities in the future. | | Welcoming and Supporting Refugees and Immigrants: Making the Case for an Intentionally Inclusive Iowa | When: Wednesday, September 7th @ 12pm Where: Online via zoom Speakers: Dr. Peter Gerlach (International Studies Visiting Assistant Professor) Kathryn Wittneben (Iowa City Foreign Relations Council Executive Director)
The ICFRC has just released its report on the series we conducted earlier this year focusing on refugees and immigrants in Iowa. As we write in the executive summary, the ICFRC “recognizes that our state is at an inflection point, wherein collective prosperity requires truly open, public, and engaged conversation about the many and layered ways that our communities reorganize when new arrivals come, particularly in these challenging and fast-paced times. For everyone to thrive, we must be intentional inn how we talk about our rapidly diversifying cities and towns to ensure that we all know how to welcome and support refugees and immigrants as well as (re)create our communities to be the kinds of places we all want to live for a long time to come.” More here | | Upcoming Events and Other Opportunities | | |       | | | |