Coach & Mentor Professional Development | All coaches (new and returning) are invited to join us for a Coach & Mentor Professional Development.
- Dates: Aug 1-3, 2022
- Location: Seamans Center, 103 S. Capitol St., Iowa City, Iowa
Goals of the PD:
- Prepare coaches and mentors for an upcoming FTC Season.
- Connect coaches and mentors with each other, future connections for future questions or issues.
- Educate attendees about recent or new changes within FTC.
- Expand the knowledge base of attendees. Help attendees think outside of the box of what they normally would have considered.
- Have participants go through a mini-season within a team: a build season; a "tournament" with a judging interview, matches and an alliance selection.
- Share the expectations FTC-Iowa has for coaches and mentors.
- To be as interactive as possible. Lots of small group activities. Less presentations.
| | FIRST Student Advisory Board | In collaboration with the other FIRST program in Iowa (FLL and FRC), we are creating an Iowa FIRST Student Advisory Board (SLB).
Eligible candidates need to be current members of either FRC or FTC and be in grades 10, 11 or 12 for the 2022-2023 school year. Board members will serve a one-year term, with the possibility of renewal. The SLB will consist of 8-16 students, from students representing both FTC and FRC program. The goal is to have a diverse board, including gender, geographic location in Iowa and program diversity.
The following are guidelines that the Iowa FIRST Student Leadership Board members are expected to abide by during their term on the Board:
- Continued communication with the SLB throughout the term
- Allocate time to take on/work on projects and initiatives at the SLB facilitators discretion
- Respecting other members and SLB facilitators
- Be a positive representative of the Iowa FIRST program and of the SLB
- Involvement/Preparation for meetings
- Giving back to the FIRST Community
If you, or your student, are interested in serving in the Iowa FIRST Student Advisory Board, please review the Iowa FIRST SLB website, complete the application (linked on the website) and submit a letter of recommendation from one of your coaches or mentors. | | Iowa FIRST Store | Coming Soon!
In August, we'll be opening an Iowa FIRST store where students, coaches, mentors and volunteers can purchase polos, 1/4 zip sweatshirts, backpacks and more! This virtual store will be open from Aug. 25 through Sept. 20 with items shipped two weeks later directly to the customer! | | PowerPlay Game Manual Part 1 | Be on the lookout!
PowerPlay Game Manual Part 1 will be released soon on the FIRST website. As a reminder: All coaches, mentor and students are responsible for knowing the content of both Game Manual Part 1 & Part 2 | | FIRST Tech Challenge Team Grants | We are very excited to announce FTC team grants!
We thank our partners Collins Aerospace, John Deere and FIRST for offering these team grants.
Important Note: If you plan to apply for either the Collins Aerospace, John Deere or the FIRST Rookie grant, it is important you start the FIRST registration, get a temporary team number (2022xxxxx), but do NOT complete & pay the FIRST registration. If payment is received at FIRST, then it will void the grant.
To see the grant eligibility requirements, and to apply for the grants, please visit our Team Grants page. | | Save the Date: Kick-Off Is Coming! | The official start to the POWERUP season is just around the corner! Save the date for Sept. 10, 2022.
Two Kick-Off Events in Iowa:
Also, a kick-off event will be in the Quad Cities for those teams in that area:
- Augustana College, 639 38th Street, Rock Island, IL
More information about these events, including time and agendas, will be sent out as the date gets closer and can be found on the FTC-Iowa website. | |                               | | | |