Good luck with midterms and have a lovely break!
Let the CLCL know if you need anything else from us!
| | Colleague Spotlight - The Anne Frank Initiative Starting with the planting of a descendant of Anne Frank's chestnut tree, Kirsten Kumpf Baele (German) has been behind several events on campus that focus on the story of Anne Frank and all the ways in which it can be understood in a more modern context. In order to foster continued interest in Anne Frank and her story, she worked to establish the Anne Frank Initiative (AFI), one of nine affinity groups supported by International Programs on campus. You can read more about the Initiative and the work Kirsten has done in this article on the International Programs website. | The Three Ms for Effective Learning Working with over 25 partners campus-wide, the Learning at Iowa student success initiative has directly interacted with about 1,130 students, staff, and faculty to implement the Three Ms for Effective Learning: Mindset, Metacognition, and Memory to help students learn how to learn, rather than leaving them to use trial and error to determine how best to study. The program, now in its second year, is working on how to work with faculty and staff to implement the Three Ms. If you are interested in implementing the Three Ms in your class, see this page on the UI Strategic Plan website and this write-up in Inside Higher Ed. | | | Friday, March 24th at 12:30 PEERCEPTIV LUNCH AND LEARN: Come to the CLCL for a lunch and learn event on Peerceptiv, a technology tool that is used to support peer assessment and collaboration in the classroom. | | Thursday, March 30th - April 1st FREQUÊNCIAS: CONTEMPORARY AFRO-BRAZILIAN CINEMA & THE BLACK DIASPORA: The 2022-23 UI Obermann Humanities Symposium & International Major Projects Award, will begin at the end of March. It will feature filmmakers, translators, and film scholars from the Afro-Brazilian diaspora. The symposium will feature the emerging wave of young Afro-Brazilian filmmakers, curators, programmers, and scholars whose art and scholarship have already had an impact on international cinema. | |                         | | | |