Our collective spaces, equipment, and experience in the classroom can help you implement creative and engaging projects or put on interesting events. If you need help executing an idea or if you want to talk through an idea to determine how the CLCL can help, let us know! | | PH 17 - Spring 2024 Our CALL Lab (PH 17) is a high-demand space and it's never too early to think about next semester! We've already made several reservations for PH 17 for next semester, so make sure to get your requests in using our reservation form on the Facilities page of the CLCL website.
PH 17 is reserved on a "first come, first served" basis with no preferential treatment. If you know when you will need the room for Spring 2024, send a reservation request as soon as possible! | Tutoring as Finals Prep The CLCL offers tutoring for students of all languages taught in the Division. As the end of the semester approaches, we highly recommend that you encourage students to consider tutoring as another great and useful study resource. Our tutors are knowledgeable in the language and can get students that extra practice that could help them succeed in your classes.
Students can see available times and sign up for a tutoring session by visiting the Tutoring page on the CLCL website. | | PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES | | | The Midwest Association for Language Learning Technology (MWALLT) is seeking proposals for its 2024 multi-site conference on Saturday, March 2 at the University of Iowa, the University of Kansas and the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. Presentations will be delivered in person at all three hosting institutions, which will be connected through simulcast. The deadline for proposals is Friday, Dec. 1st.
Not just full-time faculty are encouraged to present. Pass along this information to interested graduate students as their registration fees will be waived if accepted. | Artificial Intelligence through a Wide Lens "Artificial Intelligence through a Wide Lens" (part of a new joint series put on by CLAS, the Obermann Center, the Office of the Vice President of Research, and the Stanley Museum of Art) will take place on Thursday, Nov. 30th from 4:00 - 5:30 pm at the Stanley Museum of Art. Presenters from a variety of disciplines will present in a pecha-kucha style, including our very own Claire Frances, Giovanni Zimotti, and Luke Whitaker! The event is free and open to all and will include hors d'oeuvres and drinks afterwards! Come support your colleagues and learn more about how artificial intelligence can affect language education and other disciplines. | | INFORMATION FOR STUDENT SUCCESS | | Language Proficiency for Career Readiness On Wednesday, Nov. 8th, Claire Frances presented about how language proficiency is helpful for career readiness after college. Information such as this is extremely important in motivating students to study language and in giving students ways to market themselves after graduation. Because of this, the PowerPoint from the presentation is included here. If you want more information or have any trouble accessing the PowerPoint, contact Claire Frances in the CLCL! | Learning at Iowa Initiative The Learning at Iowa P3-funded initiative emphasizes the 3 Ms for Effective Learning: mindset, metacognition, and memory. These principles advocate for incremental learning, utilizing flashcards and quizzes, and self-monitoring. Students are introduced to these concepts during Orientation and mentoring sessions throughout their time at UIowa. The initiative offers pre- and post-test "cognitive wrappers" on an ICON site managed by the CLCL. Interested faculty can contact a staff member of the CLCL for access. | | FAIR ENOUGH!
Director Claire Frances works with faculty and staff to support language education throughout the Division. Recently, she has been working with faculty to ensure that websites represent the vision of the department and remain visitor-friendly.
Claire also oversees three concierges who are assigned to a department and have additional special projects. They can help with tech and ICON issues, website updates, and event scheduling, to name a few of our services. Ultimately, we're all here to support you! If you have any questions, you can e-mail your (or just a) concierge at any time! | Jack Doden Departments: Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures, Linguistics Projects: Virtual Reality, Podcasting, CLCL Spaces and Equipment
Andy Lewis Departments: French and Italian, German, International Studies, Translation Projects: Newsletter, Computer Labs, Directed Independent Language Study (DiLS)
Luke Whitaker Departments: Spanish and Portuguese, Latin American Studies Projects: Iowa Intersections | |                         | | | |