I hope everyone is enjoying the start of summer. May was a busy month in SJMC so we’re looking forward to the quiet of summer.
We started the month with the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications’ (ACEJMC) council meeting in Washington, DC. At the meeting, we received a unanimous vote for full reaccreditation. Our site team found us in compliance on all 8 standards during their visit in November 2023 and that recommendation was accepted by the ACEJMC committee in March 2024. The Council vote was the final step in the reaccreditation process. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this important moment. While in DC, we joined alumni and friends for taco night at the National Press Club. It was a great to celebrate the successful reaccreditation.

Alumni Event at the National Press Club, Washington, DC
SJMC students participated in graduate and undergraduate celebrations and commencement ceremonies as they capped off their time at Iowa. We inducted several undergraduate students into the Kappa Tau Alpha honor society. Five doctoral students, Katy Biddle, Patrick Johnson, Mir Ashfaquzzaman, Michael Davis and Frankline Matanji received their degrees (left to right). Congratulations to all SJMC grads! We look forward to seeing what you do next.

Spring 2024 doctoral student graduates
Finally, we hosted a workshop on news-academic partnerships and community news in collaboration with the Center for Community News and the Daily Iowan. The event brought together faculty, student media leaders, and industry leaders from around the U.S. to discuss the potential for news collaborations to serve both students and communities.

Community News workshop
This will be our last e-newsletter of the 2023-2024 year. You’ll be hearing from us again in the fall. In the meantime, stay up to date by following us on social media and look for a print newsletter in your mailbox this summer. If necessary, please update your mailing address and other contact information so we can keep in touch.
If you have a story to share, please send it to sjmc@uiowa.edu.
Melissa Tully, Director