Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost

Collegiate Deans

Associate Deans for Faculty and Faculty HR Representatives

Lois J. Geist, associate provost for faculty and professor, department of internal medicine

October 6, 2021

AY 2021-22 Faculty Reviews


All regular track faculty members receive performance reviews on a schedule determined by their appointment type, rank, and status.  The following email is designed to assist colleges and departments in conducting and processing effective faculty reviews by providing guidance regarding the relevant requirements and policies. Faculty Review workflow forms must be completed for each scheduled review, unless exempted per policy guidelines.  See below for Office of the Provost deadlines related to each type of review.

A. Probationary Tenure-Track Faculty: 

  • Annual reviews are required for all probationary tenure-track faculty members, except in the year in which a review is conducted for reappointment or promotion. Reappointment reviews are conducted during the third year (for colleges having a collegiate norm of a six-year tenure clock) or fourth year (for colleges having a collegiate norm of an eight-year tenure clock). 
  • Deadline:  A completed Faculty Review workflow form must be received in the Office of the Provost by April 15th of each year.
  • For additional information, please see the Faculty Review section on the Office of the Provost’s website.
  • Related Policy: 

B. Clinical-Track, Research-Track, and Instructional-Track Faculty:

  • Annual reviews are required of all clinical-track and research-track faculty members until the final year of the initial appointment.  Additionally, reappointment reviews are required for clinical-track and research-track faculty as dictated by university and collegiate policies.
  • Reviews are required of all instructional-track faculty members annually except in their reappointment year as dictated by university and collegiate policies.
  • Deadline:  A completed Faculty Review workflow form must be received in the Office of the Provost by April 15th of each year.
  • For additional information, please see the Faculty Review section on the Office of the Provost’s website.
  • Related Policies:

C. Tenured Faculty 

  • Members of the tenured faculty receive an annual review, conducted by the unit head, and a five-year peer review, conducted by faculty peers.  Certain exceptions exempt tenured faculty members from a peer review (e.g., administrative deferral, promotion review, phased retirement or within one year of announced retirement).
  • Deadline:  All tenured faculty reviews must be completed and processed through the workflow system by June 30th of each year.
  • For additional information, please see the Faculty Review section on the Office of the Provost’s website.
  • Related Policy: 

Thank you for your efforts to ensure the effective and efficient review of the faculty.  Please contact Alaina Hanson, Director of Faculty HR at 335-3015 or email her at in the Office of the Provost with any additional questions.

The University of Iowa