The latest news from the College of Engineering
The latest news from the College of Engineering

Latest News


Turning 50, BME celebrates rich history of achievement

The Roy J. Carver Department of Biomedical Engineering marks its 50th anniversary at the University of Iowa with a legacy of partnering across health care disciplines to gain a deeper understanding of human health.


With alumni support, CBE lab unveils new distillation column

A new distillation column in the CBE lab is enhancing students' understanding of chemical processes by allowing real-time observation. This upgrade, supported by alumni donations, bridges the gap between theory and practice.


CBE professor wins 2024 Joanne Simpson Medal

Jun Wang, Lichtenberger Family Chair in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering and ITI affiliate, won the 2024 Joanne Simpson Medal for significant contributions to Earth and space science.


Iowa Engineering tackling Iowa's environmental challenges

Experts from the College of Engineering are using a living laboratory to conduct innovative sustainability research, and others have deployed a vast network of climate sensors to prepare for the growing impact of extreme weather events.


CEE professor helps small towns find wastewater solutions

Through Craig Just's research, partnerships, and persistence, a pilot system in Dow City appears poised to meet federal wastewater treatment regulations. The technology would then be available for hundreds of small towns in Iowa.


DSRI's '2024: Year in Review' highlights progress

Explore big wins at the Driving Safety Research Institute in its 2024: Year in Review. Highlights include research opportunities for students, projects advancing driver monitoring systems, and new features to miniSim.


In the News: IGS celebrates 10 years at Iowa

The Iowa Geological Survey came to the UI in 2014 from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Since then, IGS has worked on 186 projects that have taken its researchers to nearly every county in the state.

Sen Gupta

ECE professor honored twice by professional society

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer (IEEE) Oceanic Engineering Society bestowed two honors on Ananya Sen Gupta, an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering and an ITI affiliate.

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