We have a lot to celebrate as we wrap up April and head into the final few weeks of the semester. Several SJMC faculty members were recognized by graduating seniors as having made a positive difference in their lives during their time at Iowa. Tracy Hufford, Patrick Johnson, Heather Spangler, and Jenifer Vick were named by five or more students.
SJMC also received a Career Impact Award in the category of Highly Engaged Academic Department from the Pomerantz Career Center. These important recognitions reflect the hard work and dedication of SJMC faculty and staff.
On April 13-14, members of the SJMC Professional Advisory Board met in Iowa City. Jeff Grisamore received the PAB Distinguished Service Award for his contributions to the School. The spring meeting concluded with the Hall of Fame lunch. Dan Berkowitz and Roxanna Scott were inducted into the Hall of Fame for their contributions to the academy and profession. Congratulations Dan and Roxanna!
Dan Berkowitz and Roxanna Scott
We also hosted the Ken Starck memorial seminar to honor Ken’s life and work. Participants joined in Iowa City and virtually to offer remarks on graduate education, internationalization, and journalism ethics. It was a lovely event to recognize and reflect on Ken’s legacy.
If you have a story to share, please send it to sjmc@uiowa.edu.
Melissa Tully, Interim Director