Happy Post-Midterm!

We hope you had a great spring break and that re-entry has been good!

As always, we are here for faculty support with instructional technology
and helping coordinate the use of our spaces and resources! 

If the CLCL can help you, let us know!


The CLCL manages a number of instructional spaces! When it comes to reserving our spaces, it's never too early to start thinking about next semester! As our CALL (PH17) and computer (PH 18/18A) labs are reserved on a first-come-first-served basis, we highly recommend considering what your next semester schedule might look like. Feel free to contact Andy Lewis about these spaces if interested!


The CLCL website now includes the services that we provide! You can find information about promotional materials, event planning, videography/photography, website updates, supplemental instruction, and instructional design. This information includes specifics about how to initiate these services if interested. If you think of any other helpful information to add, feel free to contact Andy Lewis.



FLTMAG recently posted the article "Interactive Tools: A Comparison" by Shannon Donnally Quinn, Wenying Zhou, and Adam Gacs from Michigan State University. In this article, they give the benefits of using interactive videos in a language learning classroom, particularly how it can be used to flip the classroom. In addition to basic guidelines they feel are best when using this kind of tool, they compare 5 different interactive video tools and what kinds of activity they might be best for. They also have a Quick Reference Chart that summarizes their breakdown, including LMS integration, cost, question types, and some examples of its use. Have a read! If you are interesting in learning more about these tools, the CLCL can help!


Director Claire Frances works with faculty and staff to support language education throughout the Division. Recently, she has overseen the installation of (and development of policies for) the Culture Bites kitchenette. You can support this endeavor by donating today!

Claire also oversees three concierges who are assigned to a department and have additional special projects. They can help with tech and ICON issues, website updates, and event scheduling. Ultimately, we're all here to support you! If you have any questions, you can e-mail your (or just a) concierge at any time!

Jack Doden
Departments: Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures, Linguistics
Projects: Virtual Reality, Podcasting, CLCL Spaces and Equipment

Andy Lewis
Departments: American Sign Language, French and Italian, German, International Studies, Translation
Projects: Newsletter, Computer Labs, Directed Independent Language Study (DiLS)

Luke Whitaker
Departments: Spanish and Portuguese, Latin American Studies
Projects: Iowa Intersections

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