Annual Policy Notification
Annual Policy Notification

Annual Policy Notification

To: All faculty, staff, and students

Kevin Kregel, executive vice president and provost
Cheryl Reardon, chief human resources officer and associate vice president
Sarah Hansen, vice president for student life

Intent: Inform all University of Iowa faculty, staff, and students of the university's Tobacco-Free Campus policy.

Date: April 26, 2023

The University of Iowa is a tobacco-free facility. Use of tobacco, as defined below, is prohibited in any building, vehicle, or outdoor area owned, leased, or controlled by the university.

  • For the purpose of this policy, tobacco products are defined as including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookahs), bidis, kreteks, smokeless tobacco, chewing tobacco, snus, snuff, electronic cigarettes, and any non-FDA approved nicotine delivery device.

  • Use of tobacco products is prohibited in all buildings and vehicles owned or leased by the University of Iowa, regardless of location. This includes Kinnick Stadium and the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics.

  • Use of tobacco products is also prohibited on all university grounds and in any outdoor area controlled by the university. This includes all university parking lots and parking ramps, athletic fields, tennis courts, golf courses, and recreational areas. Use of tobacco products is prohibited inside any vehicle located on such university grounds.

  • The university owns and maintains a limited number of streets within its campus borders. Use of tobacco products is prohibited on such streets and the adjacent sidewalks. See University of Iowa maps outlining the campus grounds where use of tobacco products is prohibited.

  • When any person enters the grounds of the university, any tobacco products shall be extinguished and disposed of in an appropriate receptacle at the perimeter of the grounds of the university.

  • This policy does not apply to buildings and outdoor areas of the University of Iowa Research Park that are owned or leased to private entities, except if those buildings or areas are used for university programs or university employees.

  • This policy does not apply to the use of e-cigarettes or other forms of smokeless tobacco by the University of Iowa Division of Performing Arts in onstage artistic performances.