News from Staff Council
News from Staff Council

Advocacy in Action

Your Voice for a Better UI

May 2021

Heather Mineart Looks back at a Staff Council Year Like no Other

Outgoing Staff Council President reflects on her rewarding, yet unusual year as Staff Council President...

"Our world has changed, and these changes have presented both challenges, and opportunities.  We have continued to endure the global pandemic, social injustice, derecho in August, budget cuts, not to mention the pressure and stresses affecting our personal lives and that has played a role in everything we do." Read more...

Incoming President Kevin Zihlman Addresses Important Questions

Kevin Zihlman is the Organizational Representative for Athletics and is the incoming President of Staff Council.  With his year as Staff Council President kicking off on June 1, Kevin addresses what he  envisions Staff Council can accomplish in the upcoming year and why UI staff should take an interest in what Staff Council does on their behalf. Read more....



Leaving Staff Councilors; Thank you!

Late May to early June is the annual time of transition for Staff Council as a portion of the council membership complete their terms, new councilors are welcomed on board, new officers and Executive Committee members are elected and Staff Council prepares for a new council year. 

Today we would like to thank the councilors whose Staff Council terms are ending effective June 1.  Their contribution and service in representing staff has been significant, and they will be sorely missed!  Read more...



Tell us what you Think! Yes, Really :)

The University of Iowa Staff Council Communications Committee is seeking your feedback! We strive to deliver newsletter and website content that is relevant, timely, and useful to you as a staff member. Please help us by completing this short survey and be entered to win* a SWAG bag for your participation. 

* Submit survey by June 15, 2021 to be eligible to win


Welcome New and Returning Staff Council Representatives

The annual Staff Council elections are now complete, and the council is pleased to both welcome staff who are joining for the first time, as well as several familiar faces who have been re-elected for a second 3-year term.  Councilor terms are effective June 1 and run through May 31, 2024.   We are pleased to introduce our incoming and returning councilors; please get to know them as they just may be representing your Organization or Function group.  For a full listing of Staff Councilors, please check the Councilor Directory (which will be updated with incoming councilor names in early June).  Read more...


UI Staff Member Applies his Skills to Benefit the Community!

Back in early March, Covid-19 vaccine demand was outpacing supply, with Iowa residents spending hours, sometimes in the middle of the night, on the hunt for a vaccine appointment.  Brian Finley - a University of Iowa ITS Application Developer, used his problem solving skills and knowledge of technology to help alleviate the challenge by creating a Twitter account that can help university staff, and community members more easily find one.  Read more...

The Wheels on the Bus Go ...

Iowa City is making changes to the bus system! As part of the strategic plan, the city has done a transit study and proposed changes to increase access and ridership of the buses. Some existing routes will be changed/eliminated, though there will be more night and weekend routes than we currently have. For more information about the changes and the transit study, visit


"Advocacy in Action" Newsletter on Hiatus

The Staff Council Advocacy in Action newsletter is taking a brief hiatus, and will be published again later in the summer.  In the meantime, we are looking forward to your feedback (see article above) so we can evolve and improve the newsletter accordingly.