| Marian Muste, a research engineer and adjunct professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the College of Engineering, has been selected as a Fulbright Scholar to Hungary for the 2021-22 academic year. Read more. | | Marisol Contreras, who is a PhD candidate in chemical engineering at the University of Iowa, is the winner of a Fulbright Study/Research grant in Chemical Engineering to Germany for 2021-22. Read more. | | | Keri Hornbuckle is the Donald E. Bently Professor of Engineering in the University of Iowa Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, where she studies pollutants in the Great Lakes, in urban air, and—more recently—inside schools and other buildings. Brian Hornbuckle is a professor and director of graduate education for agricultural meteorology in Iowa State University’s Department of Agronomy, where his research is focused on using NASA satellites to measure water in soil and crops. Read more. | | Faculty members from the College of Engineering affiliated with the Iowa Technology Institute, a research arm of the College of Engineering (CoE), are contributing to a new space-based, interdisciplinary research enterprise designed to strengthen the University of Iowa’s competitiveness for NASA funding for space missions and instruments. Read more.
| | | Five University of Iowa research teams were awarded funds in round one of the Jumpstarting Tomorrow initiative. The new pilot grant and community-building program supports innovative and collaborative research teams. Read more. | | Jun Wang, Iowa Technology Institute assistant director and an expert in Earth sciences, was interviewed by News Talk 1540 KXEL and said he believes renewed interest will spur more space-based endeavors in the years to come, which will create more opportunities for people to engage in a wider variety of ways. Read more. | |                     | | | |