As we wrap up the year, I want to share the news that I will be returning next academic year as the permanent Director of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication. I’m looking forward to leading the school with our dedicated faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends. We have a lot to look forward to as we approach the School’s 100th Anniversary in 2024. We will be hosting several events in Iowa City and planning visits to cities in the U.S. I hope to see many of you in 2024 as we reflect on our history and look to our future.
We ended the year on a high note with SJMC student Eleanor Hildebrandt’s selection as a CLAS commencement speaker. Eleanor spoke during the afternoon ceremony and received her degree along with graduates from SJMC and across CLAS. It was a joyful event, and we’re incredibly proud of the Class of 2023 for all their accomplishments.

Eleanor Hildebrandt
Several SJMC faculty and graduate students traveled to Toronto, Canada to participate in the 2023 International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference. The ICA conference is the largest in our field and attracts researchers from around the world.

This is our final e-newsletter of the 2022-2023 year. You’ll be hearing from us again in August. In the meantime, stay up to date by following us on social media and look for a print newsletter in your mailbox this summer. If necessary, please update your mailing address and other contact information so we can keep in touch.
If you have a story to share, please send it to
Melissa Tully, Interim Director