College of Dentistry and Dental Clinics

Dean's Message

Today is the last day the college will host prospective dental students on site for our interview days (there is one more virtual interview day later this month). These interviews are important—both for the prospective student and for our college. They help us find the right students to make up our incoming class, and these students will make us better clinicians, educators, and researchers. I want to express my appreciation to those who have made our admission process and our interview days go well, including Dean Timmons, Rachael Kowbel, Marie Maston, John Warren and the admission's committee, the interviewers, the dental student guides, and the alumni who go out of their way to help us get the very best students in the country. Please give this group of prospective students a warm Hawkeye welcome. Cheers! ~Clark Stanford

Updates for November 3, 2023–November 9, 2023

Steve Marshall, Clark Stanford, Kyungsup Shin, Tom Southard, and Laura Bonner shown with their orthodontics textbook

Iowa Orthodontics Textbook receiving rave reviews

Earlier this year, Iowa orthodontics faculty published Practical Early Orthodontic Treatment: A Case-Based Review. It was clear early on that this comprehensive textbook filled a need in the existing slate of orthodontics textbooks serving as a kind of mini-orthodontics residency. Robert Kazmierski, a private-practice orthodontist with over 30 years of experience in New Jersey and an editorial board member of the Journal of the Clinical Orthodontics, recently reviewed the textbook for the journal. In his rave review, Kazmierski said, "I cannot imagine a course in residency or post-residency that would provide a better foundation in early orthodontic treatment."

Eleanor Fleming delivering the Rhys B. Jones Keynote Address at Midwest Dental Public Health Conference,

Iowa Dentistry hosts regional Dental Public Health conference

Iowa Dentistry hosted the Midwest Dental Public Health Conference on October 15-16, 2023. With lectures from dental public health experts around the country and throughout the Midwest, the conference was a great success.

Denise Jamieson and Kirk Fridrich

New dean of Carver College of Medicine visits Hospital Dentistry

Denise Jamieson, Vice President for Medical Affairs and dean of the Carver College of Medicine, visited Hospital Dentistry on Monday, October 23, 2023.  Kirk Fridrich, professor and head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, welcomed her with a tour and an overview of the department located on the fifth floor of Pomerantz Family Pavilion.  They discussed the two divisions, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics, and how they relate to UIHC Medical Departments.

Two Iowa Dentistry faculty and staff dressed up as Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce for Halloween

The One where Iowa Dentistry dressed up for Halloween

From Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce to the Wet Bandits to a basket of Fruit, faculty and staff understood the Halloween assignment. Congratulations to the top three winners in the group category: Family Dentistry (Fruit Salad), Administration (Pac-Man), and Faculty General Practice (Nemo) as well as the individual winners: Band Girl, Taylor and Travis, and the Wet Bandits. Shoutout to Keeley Carter and Staff Development for setting up a great event! View the pictures on the Iowa Dentistry Facebook page

YouTube Video showing Interview Day with a gold Iowa background

Why Iowa: Interview Day

Interview day always leaves a fantastic impression on our dental students and is the #3 reason applicants choose Iowa only behind access to specialty training and early clinical experiences.


Kudos to you!

Elaine Berendes' five star review: "U of I Dentistry is a great place to do your dental work. I have been taken care of and treated respectfully and with concern. I would recommend it to anyone needing dental work. The prices are more than reasonable. The student that did my dental work was thorough and caring. Thank you to U of I for offering this service to the public."


Collaborative and Innovative Research

Jurado CA, Arndt K, Azpiazu-Flores FX, Faddoul F, França R, Fischer NG, Watanabe H. Evaluation of Glazing and Polishing Systems for Novel Chairside CAD/CAM Lithium Disilicate and Virgilite Crowns. Oper Dent. 2023 Oct 26. doi: 10.2341/23-017-L. PMID: 37881035.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of glazing and polishing with two zirconia and two lithium disilicate polishing systems on roughness of the surface for a CAD/CAM lithium disilicate and virgilite ceramic. The roughness was evaluated using an atomic force microscopy (AFM) and visual assessment by dental students and faculty. The research team found that polishing and glazing considerably improved the surface smoothness of maxillary central incisor crowns fabricated out of a chairside CAD/CAM lithium disilicate and virgilite ceramic. Among the four polishing systems in this study, the zirconia polishing systems provided smoother and more clinically acceptable surfaces than did the lithium disilicate polishing systems.

John Hellstein and Malachi Zeitner dressed up as John Hellstein

Dental Halloweens

Dental clinics are the place to be on Halloween. We really know how to enjoy the day! Whether it was Hocus Pocus 2 last year, or this classic John Hellstein impersonation complete with Kum and Go cup in 2018, Halloween is a blast!


November 3, Prospective DDS Student Interview Day

November 9, Prospective DDS Student Interview Day

November 10, Endodontics CE Course, "Pursuing Excellence in Endodontics" Presented by Dr. Antonio Berto

November 11, Pregame Professional Program: "CPC: Interesting Cases with Therapeutic Management" Presented By Drs. Nidhi Handoo & Amy Dunleavy

November 14, Research Seminar, Jamie Nichols, School of Dental Medicine, University of Colorado–AMC, "Buffering craniofacial variation," hosted by Eric Van Otterloo, Galagan B, 12:00–1:00 p.m.

November 15, Virtual Prospective DDS Student Interview Day

November 17, Live Distance CE Course (Virtual): "What’s the risk?: Understanding Medically Complex Patients in your practice” Presented by Drs. Howard Cowen and Jennifer Hartshorn

November 18, Pregame Professional Program: “Autoimmune Conditions” Presented By Dr. John Hellstein “Guided Implant Restorations” Presented by Dr. Greg Farris

November 30, Research Seminar, Ronald Strauss, Adams School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina, "Blessings in Disguise: Finding Wisdom from Facial Difference", hosted by Steve Levy, Galagan B, 12:00–1:00 p.m.

Notes and Resources 

Filling Station Menu

Hours: M-R: 7:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.; F: 7:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

The Hawkeye Smile banner image shows two first-year dental students, Ann Luo and Katie McAllister, at the Dental Public Health booth of the Bone Dash 5K.

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