Validation warning messages

No MX record for:

For email delivery to work, a domain name (the part after the @ sign in an email address) needs to have a "MX" record in the domain's DNS (Domain Name System) entries. W without a MX record, email cannot be delivered to that domain.

Bad email address format:

The email address does not comply to the accepted email address standards. Dispatch uses the rules specified by the W3C when validating email address. Most likely, your address has a typo in it.

Could not find IDW record for:

For addresses ending in, Dispatch verifies that there is a mailbox setup that corresponds to the address provided.

Batch error messages

An unrecoverable error occurred while processing this batch:

This type of error indicates that Dispatch encountered a problem that prevented it from self-recovery and intervention will be required by the Dispatch support to restart the batch sending process.

Link tracking reference messages

The field 'FIELD_NAME' contains explicit references to a deprecated Radar link tracking application.

You have supplied some text for a field within a communication that references The link tracking and redirection service offered at that URL will be discontinued on July 1, 2022 and link redirects will cease to work. When adding links to content, just include the link you want recipients to visit. Dispatch will rewrite your link using the correct link tracking service if you have Link Tracking enabled on your communication setup.

The field 'FIELD_NAME' contains explicit references to a Dispatch's link tracking application.

You have supplied some text for a field within a communication that references When adding links to content, just include the link you want recipients to visit. Dispatch will rewrite your link using the correct link tracking service if you have Link Tracking enabled on your communication setup.

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