The signature tag will print a combination of a text signature with or without an image of their handwritten signature.
Signatures are stored with default text that usually includes the person's name, title and department which can be customized in the Signature admin tool. An image of the person's handwritten signature is required for the signature tag to work. Accepted image formats are: png, jpg, tiff, gif, and svg. The preferred format is png.
Aliases may be applied to the signature to aid in assigning different people to a role. For instance, you may want to have a signature with an alias of "provost" and then assign that alias to person currently in that position. If that person leaves the position, you can reassign the alias to the next person in the position so you don't have to edit a large number of templates to adjust the signature tags to the new person.
Tag Attributes:
Attribute | Required | Description |
hawkid | Required if alias not used |
The Hawkid of the signature owner. Example: hhawk |
alias | Required if hawkid not used |
The alias of the signature. Example: provost |
scale | Optional | The percentage to scale the image in the signature as a fraction of 1.0. Example: 0.5 will scale the image to 50% of its native size. |
image | Optional | A boolean to indicate if the image should be displayed in the signature. |
text_signature | Optional | A signature may have more than one text signature assigned. If you want to use a saved text signature for person that is not the default, you can specify it with this attribute. |
style | Optional | If you want to override any of the CSS styles assigned to the image in the signature. Also note, that when a signature is rendered, the image is assigned a CSS class of "signature_<hawkid>". |
Signature best practices
To achieve the most usable signatures, it is suggested you follow these guidelines when preparing signatures:
- Scan or convert the image as greyscale.
- Scan the image at 300DPI. This should reduce the need to use the
attribute to adjust the size of the signature image when it is rendered in your template. - Save the resulting file as a PNG for uploading into Dispatch.
- If a signature is widely used in multiple templates, you should consider using an
. With aliases if a person leaves a position you just need to update who the alias is assigned to rather than touching multiple templates to change thehawkid
referenced in the signature.
Our example person is Thomas Jefferson (hawkid: tjefferson). There are two text signatures for him along with an uploaded signature image as well as being aliased as "president":
Text signatures
Thomas Jefferson
United States of America
Thomas Jefferson
University of Virginia
Example 1: Just Hawkid
<@signature hawkid="tjefferson"/>
Would render with the signature image and the default text signature:

Thomas Jefferson
United States of America
Example 2: Alternate text signature
<@signature hawkid="tjefferson" text_signature="rector" />
Would render with the signature image and the alternate text signature:

Thomas Jefferson
University of Virginia
Example 3: Alias
<@signature alias="president" />
Would render the signature for the alias "president" which is assigned to "tjefferson":

Thomas Jefferson
United States of America
Example 4: Scale
<@signature hawkid="tjefferson" scale=".5" />
Would render as the signature image at 50% with the default text signature:

Thomas Jefferson
United States of America
Example 4: No Image
<@signature hawkid="tjefferson" image="false" />
Would render just the default text signature with no image:
United States of America
Example 4: style
<@signature hawkid="tjefferson" style="border:1px solid red;" />
Would render the default signature and apply the custom CSS supplied to the <div>
the signature image:

Thomas Jefferson
United States of America